Any Asset: Hydrotherapy Unit, Water Treadmill, and Swimming Pool Refurbishment
Asset Advantage
Asset Finance and Business Loans. We consider any asset in any sector.
Take a look below at the examples of recent assets we have funded. In each case, while the asset may have been unusual, there was a strong business rationale for the purchase. Philip Knight and Vickey Want make up the underwriting team at Asset Advantage, and they are experienced at looking beyond the residual value of the asset. Instead, they take a wider view of the business, the business case, and any additional security that might be offered.
If you have an unusual, used, or tricky asset to finance, get in touch to see if we can help.
£21,000 Finance Lease for Hydrotherapy Unit for Dog Hydrotherapy Business
“A dog grooming and hydrotherapy business is a different type of industry, but I knew Vickey and Philip would take the time to consider the proposal thoroughly. They took the time to understand the business in more depth, rather than just doing a balance sheet lend.” Read full story here>>
£411,000 Loan and Lease Finance for Refurbishment of Swimming Pool
A well-established swimming tuition provider had the opportunity to take over the lease of a swimming pool to increase their capacity. This required a full renovation. The finance delivered was a mix of loan and finance lease. View all case studies here>>
£105,000 Finance Lease for Horse Water Treadmill and Cold Water Spa System
“Although this was a young company the asset provided the customer with a new revenue stream that was aligned with the rest of their business. A known business model to Asset Advantage combined with very experienced owners, led to an approval on this deal.” Read full story here>>
Series 2, Episode 1: The Times they are a-Changin’
Series 2 of Asset Advantage Out Loud has started. Episode 1 was recorded in front of a live audience at our recent Meet the Funder day. ?This episode discusses the significant shifts in the market that Philip Knight and Vickey Want have experienced in their time underwriting at Asset Advantage.
This podcast sparked a lively discussion among our audience, who were interested to hear a lender's perspective of the fundamental changes that have taken place, and led them to reflect on the impact on their own business, and implications for the future.
Save the Date… Meet the Funder | Wednesday 5 March | Basingstoke
Join us on 5 March to meet the Asset Advantage team in a relaxed setting. This is your chance to catch up with your contacts old and new, and participate in lively discussions.
Look out for more details to follow shortly, and register your interest in attending today.
Get in touch
?? 01256 316 200