Anxiety Is In You, Me And Everyone Else I Know

Do you know someone who doesn’t experience anxiety? I don’t. There isn’t a single person I know who is free from the effects of stress about money, love, work, and health. The list of stressors is endless; the way people manage it is also endless and very personal.

There’s a long list of ways in which I managed my anxiety over my lifetime. Lately meditation and breathing help me the most, but I still catch myself playing with a loose piece of cuticle to the point at which it hurts. It’s a small action that almost quiets the million thoughts racing around in my brain and enables me to concentrate on the conversation I’m in. Sometimes I sit on my hands when I realize I’ve been picking. That helps also.

What is your physical manifestation of anxiety? I have a friend who looks up and away each time she answers me; it’s a subtle motion. Another friend wipes his palms against his knees and makes sure that he does it equally - twice on the right side and twice on the left side. Another friend bites her nails. Another friend picks his eyebrows. Another friend blows out air away from anyone. And many friends take medication. I could keep listing the many forms managing anxiety takes, but I write this post to make a point. Who cares? Are you good to people around you? Do you work hard to meet or even exceed expectations in your job? Are you kind to yourself? Ok then. You’re successful in your life. Read more


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