Anxiety and Depression - Is it an Existential Despair or Diabolic?
Sunil Verghese, PCC-ICF
Executive Coach at EZRA | SHRM Master Facilitator | LHH Leadership Coach | Persolkelly Coach | Group Coaching on Leadership | Career Transition Enabler| Expert in Logic and Contextual Intelligence Coaching
Antivirus is created because the version of computer virus would have been just released that can work upon computer programs protection impacting effective use of the machine.?Hope that would be the game plan in all possibilities for creating a solution, with the industry and professionals being na?ve not knowing how viruses were created? Everyone wants the benefit of seeming to be na?ve, while they may not by choice! Easy defenses come to this naiveness’ rescue with reminders of application of the marketing concepts being placed, the hideous hides in the backdrop of the jargon of marketing - reminding that ‘Oh it is all about the science of modern management, hence it is not unethical of the flippant virus being created as a need by design by someone, though it might be ‘bloody’ virus from the outworld invading into the earth and the computer programs. ?Modern management might look from this horrific vantage point, with all its innocence! Yet will only learn sustainable commerce development with human despair on the high!
So if virus coming from unknown sources to the computer is legitimate; then the arms in the world of war; the heretical thoughts by humans; the scientism against the TRUE science should also be unknown- yet be legitimate for fancying sentimentalist, but none may be aware from which outer world it appears; and so is the issues with the topic of Anxiety and Depression.
So, if the flip side of the above three cases is true then this issue also has a similar flip side! Amazingly and chilling the spine would get if one comes to know the truth ‘what or who’ these anxieties and depression causal agents are? And aimed for what? ?The unfortunate part is human in his addiction to philosophy and false science – gets into idolatry of Anxiety and Depression.
There is a lot about it spoken as the end of findings yet bereft of any potent solutions.?The least of the true definition is about the chemical changes and structure inside the person's brain causing anxiety & depression, though it is. Here in this article, the definition of Anxiety and Depression is retained thus:
?Anxiety is a?mixture of uneasy feelings, including nervousness, worry, and fear, about oneself or others. It may be attributed to?specific external situations or responses to one’s thoughts as they unfold, but the causal agent is hideous.
Depression - Here we define depression as the perpetual increase of anxiety of an individual not able to manage or cope thus leading to the other end of the continuum, called depression.
A higher state of reasoning being, ‘being anxious’ is a state of abnormality in humans, but the world away from truth may have lost the ability to or does not want to acknowledge the truth usually may call it to be normal to be anxious. So before we get into our findings exploration, while expressing the cause out, we shall also give the benefit of acknowledging the?symptomatic aspects popular amongst people who like or love anxiety as normal!
There are the six types of anxiety disorders generally listed out by the world of abnormality and science of psychiatry which wants to deal it as if like the earlier computer virus description we started with:
Here are the six most common types of anxiety disorders:
1. Panic Disorder
2. Social Anxiety Disorder
3. Specific phobias
4. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
5. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
6. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
The world of abnormality will tend to say the potential small issues like job interview results, examinations, or some sickness or financial trouble are all part of the life for being anxious, sometimes seems as if anxiety is a credit of humans doing!
Humans limit as Adamic race or some call Homosapiens, has become limited while?at the same time exponentially developed, because of the very nature of creation as an intelligent design by an intelligent designer. So if then there is an intelligent designer there has to be possibly an opposite force of intelligence, yet a clever element as well, ?with the all cleverness to spoil the intelligence’ efforts, results liking?a healthy divine-human into an anxiety-ridden / depressive human? ?Always to be reminded like that of a computer virus, the world of weapons and warfare!
It shall be good to identify that this anxiety and depression?phenomenon is not mere outcome of human interactions and so-called interpersonal strains leading to anxiety & depression. ?This resulting phenomenon can also be observed among many other human endeavors. ?So in this article, we are not looking into the anxiety leading to depression and common solutions, but getting solutions from a deeper?understanding of the potential mess created by Human Resources Systems and fraternity of human skill drivers making things more depressive for people, simply because of lack of knowledge of the source of Anxiety.
Focus Area: Dealing from the realm of discounted motivational advisory
Here we shall see from an aspect called human pursuance of his ambitions or achievement. While humans are at it, motivational thoughts communication ingrained with these kinds of phrases appears– ‘Man has immense potential to enhance one’s limits to an ultimate with his so-called inner energy drives balanced ……….’ ?for work or worldly achievements.?In reality, it’s not any cheap effort nor seems to be purposeless. Invoked as well as provoked with these kinds or without these, when the journey is to start, organization managers or some human belittling motivational trainers?start idiomatic phrases supported with - ‘tales of achievements’- ‘good advises or quotes with motivational phrases’- ?‘un-true Darwinism way of improvement’ – expressing something like -‘Rise to the challenge and don’t look back ‘etc, illustrations ?till some have got hurt and wounded. ?
But on the other hand when ‘failure’ or ‘not expected / non – desired’ milestone appears like a result of efforts, the unfortunates who would have slipped a little or failed to develop some kind of issues that some identify as anxiety and depression. As a consequence of these issues of attention in human ambitions’ slips, come in hordes of?nice words like:
- ‘you must not have more ambition, but rightfully balanced’
- ‘You must understand your soul/personality and then try that accordingly’
- ‘less ambitious is just right for your need’
- ‘balance your outside and inside’
- ‘your spiritual practices are not balanced’
- ‘Inner energies are corrupt not aligned to planets of the universe or to the lunacy or lunar’
- ‘because of your bad actions in this life or actions of previous life’
So these and more kinds of advisory gets landed along with some human systems rendering the worst to the affected.
Then to express the opposite of those are the availability of the popular words like ‘how to manage’ – ?‘disappointment’, ?‘anxiety’, ‘Stress’, and others.
Subtle creeping of the serpentine nature here is to deceive the subject to pursue his ambitions with the occult thoughts of evoking the power of subconsciousness, ?resulting in a deceptive understanding of ‘wear and tear’ , so-called ‘ups and downs’ or ‘failure or success or result of ‘action of life and its reactions’ as these also as flip milestone keep reminding the journey of deception.
The serpentine thought becoming the father and mother of discounted motivations advisory for self and for others symptoms called?as anxiety and depression.
Anxiety & Depression De-mystified:
Depression is never a natural life getting compulsion from the visitations of the natural, but the invite here for all of us is to be conscious of the source – let’s call it ‘kitsch’ as the source, that which is yet not able to be identified.
Depression – is it external or internal or from Kitsch?
?– Partial ignorance, based on displayed empirical chemical imbalance sciences will inform that it is internal
-?????????Intelligence based on sciences and the Cosmic omniscience will point to external.
-?????????Worldly erotic spiritual people call it whatever they fancy about at that moment to feeding the seekers.
-?????????Post-modernist kind of worldly erotic spiritual people call it the compulsive reaction of the soul or psyche.
-?????????The popular proposals are that more exposed one is with natural life, the exposure proportionally should increase depressions; a kind of necessitation to self-rationalization for the ignorance to prevail.
It is quite nonsensical to think that something in a human?expands out to get material things achieved?and something within one goes with that thinking (popularly called greed)– and something outside in nature provides the inertia and energy, that causes the unrest called anxiety. Much of these kinds are forcefully thrust into the throat for eating, because of the days of much self-propelled addictive dependence on the thrusting media (or a person or idol in that), which proposes the epitome.
Anxiety / Depressions from the world charlatanic carriers vantage point is all about explaining why they have lost, not reminding that they have been denied solutions by some other systems of charlatans, yet reminding that they have some atomic energy inside them that needs awakening and deploy their energy?to their own ploy – what culminates as finally depression of all those trite advisory.?Giving vague identities under the mythical terms for the post-modernist to be lost under the world of myths to realize how one can create a wonderful and beautiful world around him without anxiety and depression. Interestingly there is nothing called a beautiful world when somebody is really depressed, but yes poetically it can be stated that which becomes another ploy in the whole advisory.
?The impacted disequilibrium tends to get expressed in form of work performance?or psychic or social disorders labeled as anxiety or depression.
So from nowhere, we explore the aspects of human impact by the so-called anxiety and depression.
Let start from the cleverest’ undoing / bad intelligence way of moving humans to a decline!
“There is a big world out there, hence expand your horizons and fortify your perspectives”, So every person, every opportunity list – may be advised as if it were for broadening their limits.
Especially from the human resources inner engineering perspective which falls short of moving up finds a way of necessitating with proposals of philosophic advice of the likes of,– “if you want to accomplish something one needs to go through the pain of the process or pain of regret.”
It is also made very clear that the writer here suggests not to be deceived into not to work towards achievement but nudging here to consider what comes to them in different forms, from the sources around, a necessitating way to place mystical untruth matters up on the table.
“Sometimes life gets hard on you, not to push you down, but to say keep moving. Not every problem in life means its bad- Maria”
The shortfalls on the journey provide little anxiety, then the persisting anxiety can provide depression. Here we don’t intend to get into the pituitary level functioning of how depression works.?To realize more on this article we need to take other aspects of human souls?architecture?in terms of Mind-Volition-Emotions and how they interplay out and how these become instruments for anxiety.
?Each of these functions gets the ideation from the outside world similar to the earlier identified case as of the anti-virus of computer or war weapons etc which for the more naive it’s not sure of its roots but for the intelligent, the sources are very clear. So we welcome you to use the bits of intelligence and find the 'Kitsch', as we don’t intend to name it here,?yet it will evade the human who doesn’t exercise their volition correctly.
So it is clear one can live without any anxiety or depression with the divine life ignited rather your natural life play the foul to the worldly designs and philosophies.