Anxiety or Anger: Calm yourself down with these Relaxation techniques
We all have a tight lifestyle and over-scheduled lives, which means living accordingly became one of the dominant factors to settle down. Now let’s not forget if the circumstances we can’t control affect that schedule, excessive tasks hitting your work ground, or personal stress at home might be responsible for confronting you with the dose of anxiety or anger. Now anger can be managed or controlled smoothly; anxiety is what you have to worry about.
Whenever our mind gets the grip of immense stress or anxiety, the human body starting to eject stress hormones which eventually result in physical and emotional negative impacts; physically, your body leans towards headaches, dizziness, and nauseous, while emotionally, you feel strong negative vibes, depression and lack of happiness. The long-time expression of anxiety and anger both can result in serious health conditions like weight, heart or chronic conditions.
Technically these emotions, anger and anxiety, are part of human livelihood, but what would happen if these emotions take over. Considering the fragility of the scenario, all I can say is being calm down can help you overcome this. However, being able to calm or smoothly process the anger and anxiety situation is absolutely easier said than done. You can’t just win over them with the snap of a finger, but there are a few effective techniques that are proven to be helpful in dealing with anxiety or anger and slowly keeps you calm.
Easier said than done ∴ Propose and Practice
Tackle down the most overwhelming situation of your life by taking a deep breath; Breathing is a yogic mechanism which subjectifies breathing fresh air and relieves all the anxiety and negative emotion. Try a one-nostril breathing mechanism or 4-7-8 breathing strategies to find uniform balancing between mind and body.
One of the easiest and most popular ways of calming yourself down is to simply count one to ten slowly and then back again; distracting your mind is an excellent way to relieve anxiety or anger.
Opening your mind and heart to yourself and admitting that you are angry or anxious at a particular moment; eventually ends up decreasing the emotions. When you claim yourself angry or anxious, it means you are expressing emotion which is the reason for overcoming.
Experts claim that one of the creative parts of overcoming stress is visualizing; Yes, sometimes all you need is to close your eyes and picture yourself as calm as you can, relax your body and voila…
Music Relaxation
Music is the ultimate remedy for stress; they are called the almighty that soothes your soul. So, try tapping into your favourite playlist or just tuning to any relaxation songs directory, and you will become steadily calm before you even know it. Singing along to the music can also work.
Environment change
Locating somewhere off or moving out for fresh air can also shake the stress off within a second. changing your surroundings changes the emotions around you, and getting the freshness can stabilize the blood flow, getting anger or stress-free “YOU.”
Pouring your heart or mind off on the page can also do the job; try journaling about the emotion you are facing or the feelings you are carrying; weaving words can give you a new perspective of thinking something different.
The traditional and effective ways to defeat negative emotions are practising yoga, meditating or keeping a routine of exercise. These are mastered in ejecting stress out of the body.
Brain games like crosswords and puzzles can tackle tons of stress and overwhelming situation. the whole distraction and concentration can considerably take your mind off and get you in good shape.
Aroma Therapy
Essential Oils are a professional way of treating stress and anxiety situations. You can simply drop some lavender oil into a diffuser, inhale deeply or gently rub it over your hand and let their magic begin.
Talk and Laugh
Sometimes these emotions can be caused simply because you don’t want to be alone. So, call out your old friends and talk your heart out; pick some happy memory to discuss and laugh about. This will work because laughing, as in positive emotion, has the power to squash any negative one.
Now, remember, again, these calming strategies are easier said than done, so don’t be so hard on yourself if you can’t process them all of the sudden in your life. Practice them with each passing day and stay positive about them. Because calming down can not only prevent negativity from embracing yourself but also gives you a source of happiness, regaining your ability to focus and keeping you energetic all the time. As they say
A happy life = No anger about the past + No anxiety about the future