In October I was honored to be invited by Art Directors Club of Europe as president of the TV & Film jury, courtesy of Merce Segur, Clube Criativos de Portugal and Ivo Purvis. And I was impressed by a blooming festival that is gaining importance and status, with a high quality work.

But the thing that impressed me the most was meeting Anton Kudinov, young creative from Ukraine. Anton won the Greatness Challenge with a great idea: he published a magazine to be delivered to all creative directors attending the ADCE and then he put the ad spaces in the magazine for sale, available for any creatives that wanted to have their work published in it.

As if it was not enough, Anton, as winner of the category, took the stage to receive his award and used his moment of glory to make a great speech about the situation in his country, Ukraine, where a war with Russia continues to kill thousands.

In our business where everyone uses social causes to win awards is good to see the opposite for a change - someone who uses the awards for the benefit of a cause.

Creative directors of the world, remember this name: Anton Kudinov.


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