Antidote to Societal Dysmorphia: Celebrate the Triumph of the West!
Murray Simser
Democracy's Knight ??? | Founder CITIZN | Millions of People, Govs, & Major Cos Used My SW | Entrepreneur | 2x Public Co CEO | Silicon Valley | Microsoft HQ | Adj Prof | Author | Invented Societal Networks | ??????????
The West needs to shift back to believing it is exceptional and not thinking it is just like everyone else. It is not! Without the West, even today, the world would be in a state of semi-barbaric anarchy. Remember, believe what people do, not what they say.
Here is what we did: we provide every person on earth, rich or poor, no less than the economic equivalent of having 100 servants (and growing). That means everyone now lives a life better than that of King Henry the 8th. That is the legacy of the West!
Here are some of the other nifty little things we produced:
Emancipation of everyone, freedom from servitude, tripled life span, eliminated slavery, eliminated poverty, the enlightenment, the renaissance, individual and human rights, capitalism, democracy, science, social science, humanities, engineering, architecture, law, education, computers, the Internet, mobile phones, clothing, factories, retail therapy, and everything else that makes the world a great place.
So take heart we have done more for the world than everyone else ever combined!
Still don't believe me? Who do people call when shit hits the fan? Where do they most wish to live? And who has the best quality of Life?
For forty years we have told people in the West we are nothing but our faults, yet as every parent knows you cannot raise a child that way and expect a good result. Society is much the same, it requires nurturing and encouragement, learning, overcoming, not just constant beatings.
Recently, lesser mortals within our societies have grabbed onto the only means they have to gain power; to tear down our way of life. To them the West is a scourge, an evil empire, an enterprise bereft of moral and ethical value, I say BULLSHIT!
Everyone likes a winner, but we aren't acting like winners. We are acting like whiners.??
Re-tribalization in the West is about #Power!
The triumph of the West over 1000 years was the greatest thing that ever happened and that is STILL happening to the world.
It is the ONLY time in human history when human flourishing improved significantly and consistently for EVERYONE EVERYWHERE.
The Eastern powers, principally India and China, whose income and productivity per capita all but did did not grow between 1000 and 2000 are now emulating the West, but only just. Each time a western-style institution is created in the East, life improves. Yet the most important of the western world's gifts, the necessity to recognize that all progress is predicated on vesting power and thus rights in the individual; that is a long way to off in the East.
Unlike all other civilisations, The West is NOT based on group identity, it is based on a social contract which guarantees individual rights. To those in the East this idea is largely seen as anathema and decadent because they still haven't shaken off the shackles of the 10,000 years of human history. That has pretty much been the story for all of history, except for the West's history. This is no small achievement. It is called the RULE of LAW.
Allegory of the Cave
The West is a way of organizing a "society" to maximize human flourishing. can't have human flourishing with corruption in governance and you can't have a functional democracy without complete liberty of the individual.
That freedom takes two main forms. Democracy; the ability for everyone to write the laws in a democratic state. Capitalism; the thing that replaced feudalism (slavery) in the West.
China and India have recently adopted many of the West's gifts after a difficult period of trial and error in the 20th century. That is reflected in their late to the party GDP growth. The economic performance of both countries is good but nowhere close to competing for best delivered by the West consistently over 1000 years, but especially the last 200 years.
The cracks are beginning to show in India and China
Corruption and the absence of liberty of the individual, is reflected in their respective highly unequal societies and their GDP per capita still amongst the lowest in the world and with both still having the majority of populations living at subsistence levels.
Corrupt societies are generally built on bad information because the necessary structural hierarchies (institutions) discourage the production of truth, especially ones where truth is a life or death exercise. People seem to talk about corruption like it is a small problem. Corruption can sink the ship.
For instance, depending on who you ask, China has already built between 1.5 - 3x the number of homes needed to house 1.4 billion people and it is still building. Does that sound like a functioning system?
Now back to us.
Westerners re-writing modern history as a failure of the West is a ridiculous notion
The measure of a good civil society is how it improves the condition of life for its people. Thinking thus, we should contemplate the impact of the West through as objective a lense as we can fashion: prior to 1500 at a time of relative economic parity and balance between east and west, incomes per capita were broadly the same across the globe; that is about lives were dirty, cold, disease-ridden, dirt-poor, famine-ravaged, and pseudo-slave or slave social structure, the world over.
Then something remarkable happened. Health and wealth exploded starting in the West in Italy during the Renaissance, then the Dutch, then over 500 years to the rest of the West and then globally.
In fact, there exists an almost perfect correlation between the adoption of western norms of education, governance, health, and wealth and the quality of a civilisation. Objectively, our WAY IS THE BEST! It even applies today! Yet we have failed if social media is to be believed. Every grievance from history is being fought on social media. Imagine in WW2 if every grievance from the beginning of time got refought. We wouldn't have had time to deal with Nazis.
Stop fighting old wars!
Around the world the West's old enemy is once more trying to destabilize our success; the instinctive call back to tribalism.
Once more, we have entered a period where the West will be tested. Given this and having forgotten the lessons of our own incredible western histories, we are at risk of losing our light in favour of a regressive set of values from a bygone age.
"And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the ring passed out of all knowledge." Galadriel in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings.
Eerily similar to what is happening today.
The West built the modern East too. Our opening of what used to be mercantile trade to global trade is the means and money that now powers the whole world.
In Tolkien's books, Sauron didn't return because he offered something better, he returned because the free peoples of Middle Earth stopped taking responsibility for their own liberty and mighty freedoms.
Even the best meaning people trying to improve the political, social, and economics status of disadvantaged peoples can fall prey to these old instincts.
For all of human history tribalism, poverty, slavery, famine, disease and war ruled. It is only since the arrival of the West that the tribal, feudal, and communal instinct, quite literally baked into our genetic code, was overcome.
Humans are hard-wired to fear and attack that which is not the same. That usually takes the form of the accrual of a power base that is directly tied to discrimination based on origin, place, sex, creed, religion, wealth, sexual orientation, acceptability, colour, and many others. Sound familiar?
I find it odd that most of the modern advocates for a redistribution of power have chosen these old methods in an effort to dismantle the West's legacy of having overcome these destructive habits.
"Live by the Sword die by the Sword"
Words spoken by Jesus himself (I am not religious). I both prefer to live and die by Individual Rights, Freedom of Speech, Rule of Law, Education, Trust but Verify, Structure, Rational and Logical Thinking, Innovation, Science, Capitalism, and Democracy, you know the legacy of the West; taken together an alternative way of living, developed over a thousand years. A Way of living created by NOBODY ELSE.
In the Lord of the Rings, the most important lesson to remember is that those old power dynamics cannot be wielded without inevitably going wrong. It took a small insignificant hobbit to destroy the ring once and for all. Everyone matters individually, and, then and only then, collectively.
People suck and that's why it's built this way
People will do just about anything to fit in, even give up their own uniqueness and individual power, compromising the integrity of the whole. That weakness is why power can accrue to the few. An all powerful leader is only good for the people if they are benevolent; which history tells us is almost NEVER. The west is a 1,000 year long systematic effort to empower and protect the sovereignty of the individual. We should not lightly give up that which came to us through much war, hardship, and toil.
Make no mistake, the West IS exceptional because it is the only culture in history that has delivered health and wealth to the whole planet and at levels that would have been unimaginable even 100 years ago.
The majesty of western human achievement is that even the poorest in the West live better than the aristocracies of old.
Westen-style individualism too is baked into our genetic code. Its even older than our collective instincts. It took ten millennia to find it and to express itself.
We must protect it!
We are at the beginning of a fight for Western survival, whether or not you know it. We must remember that when we give in to tribalism we not only move backwards, we actually put a ticking time bomb in the centre of our beautiful societies; our will-be enemies are and will use that against us in our own societies. It's easy for them to do that without firing a shot, because the West connected the whole planet.
We have forgotten, it is time for the people of the West to remember.
I am a NON-VICTIM visible minority and indigenous westerner and proud of it. If you don't like this article that's ok because based on your own revolutionary principles, your opinion doesn't matter because I outrank you on the social justice scales. ??
So go on, be proud to be from the West!
Chairman and CEO of TR Network
1 年????
Account Manager | AWS Nordics
1 年Amen ??
We must celebrate the West!