The Antidote for a Boring Presentation
Chris Westfall
Business Coach for High-Growth Leaders and Aspiring Leaders. Keynote Speaker. 4x Author and 8x Ghostwriter. Forbes Contributor. US National Elevator Pitch Champion.
Does your PowerPoint suck? Wait, let me rephrase that:
Your PowerPoint sucks. Are you aware of that fact?
Let’s face it. We’ve all been in a butt-numbing, brain-draining PowerPoint death march at one time or another. Are you leading the troops?
You know what I mean, that droning tour of incredibly dense slides, where someone is reading to you what you’re reading yourself, only the voice inside your head is much more interesting.
You’ve seen a slide presentation where density = quality, right? Something like this:
You’ve probably read all the books, and seen all the videos, on how to achieve simplicity in your PowerPoint. Isn’t it strange that – in spite of that knowledge – some people still won’t do what needs to be done.
Maybe the problem isn’t skills, or knowledge. In fact, it can’t be – because you know what you need to do. But, for some reason, it’s hard to trust the feeling. There’s a concern – some would call it a fear – of some kind. A fear that holds you back from creating a really compelling, simple and engaging presentation.
The problem isn’t knowledge. The problem isn’t process. Knowledge is everywhere – google it! You can find resources from Seth Godin and others on how to stop creating lousy slides.
I’d like to share with you three quick questions that can help you to distinguish good slides from bad. These are the questions I use in my coaching conversations, and they are the questions I ask myself before I put something on the screen.
I’m not going to tell you which template to use, or how many words or bullets to use, or even which images are best. You know why? Because no one will know better than you which choices are the right ones.
The question isn’t “which choice should I make?” it’s “Will you trust your instincts, and make a choice?”
My interest is in providing a tool for evaluation – a yardstick, if you will, so that you can measure what makes your slides powerful, or pitiful.
There are three questions you have to ask yourself, for every slide you create.
Here you go...
When someone looks at your slide, what do you want them to:
- Think?
- Feel?
- and Do?
Take a look at each slide in your deck.
There should be one answer for each of the questions, for each of your slides. Some slides are more thought-provoking than others. Some are more hard-hitting and emotional (if you truly wish to persuade in your presentation). Some slides provide direction and a call to action. And some slides contain elements of all three.
But if your answer to question #1 is: “I want them to think of all 47 steps in the integration process, beginning with a brief historical overview of our’s team’s expertise as well as an overview of our procedures that emphasize their input but maximizing our developmental outcomes and synergies as well as impacts to external stakeholders…”
I’m gonna stop you right there, Gunga Din. The wheels are off the wagon.
This kind of density, on one slide, doesn’t serve you. Why are you trying to bombard people with this much information on one slide? Why can’t you take the time to simplify your story? The simplest message is the strongest! And – that doesn’t mean it has to be simplistic!
Are you trying to serve others with your message, or are you trying to convince people how smart you are? What’s the right focus, for your message?
Density is deadly. Density is detrimental.
Density is destroying your effectiveness.
Each slide has a purpose – a single purpose. What do you want people to think, feel and do, on each slide?
In PowerPoint, as in life: where you put your attention is where you will find your results. Have the courage to internalize this idea: the simplest message is the strongest. The shortest distance to the results you need isn’t through a shockingly dense, overwrought example of your intelligence. Shift your focus to your audience: what do you want them to think, feel and do?
And what would happen to your message if they actually enjoyed your presentation? If you want some more ideas on how to do that, here are some resources for you:
- The Real Value of Collaboration
- How to Engage Your Audience
- Understanding What Your Audience Really Wants
About the Author
- Chris Westfall has published seven books, and his latest is called Leadership Language, coming in 2018. He helps executives and entrepreneurs to create transformational change in their lives and businesses. He is one of the featured speakers at the upcoming B2B Sales Summit , an online event happening in February. Follow him on twitter and Instagram @westfallonline