Anticipating Church Security Concerns in the Coming Election Season
Jack Rolfe
Author - "Watch My Sheep" available @ > Church Security Conference Speaker & Consultant
If we anticipate and prepare for foreseeable events, we can mitigate the impact that may occur. Looking forward to the election season there are several foreseeable issues we can identify and prepare for, as a church security team, praying they will not occur.
I expect a significant increase in Protests, Riots, Looting, Violence and Social Unrest especially from October 15 – November 15, 2020, regardless of the outcome of the elections, across the US. Depending on what happens, things could extend for a much longer period of time.
In addition to our normal security preparations, we should consider the following potential threats. I have outlined the threats and offer remedies to be implemented as needed. This should be shared with the executive pastoral staff, your security team, guest services and your local police. We pray that we will never face these things.
Watching out for potential security issues is everyone’s job: If you see something – Say Something!
1. Protests at Church – Churches are under fire like never before. Churches are NOT off limits to political action.
a. At the public right of way (not on our private property) – Recommend no action, Sheriff or local Police to enforce no trespass limits. Post signs 50 yards upstream of event – “Protestors Do Not Represent this Church” to advise passing motorists that these are not the actions or beliefs of our church.
b. In the Building – recommend all guest services watch out for protestors or suspicious activity, report to security and staff ASAP. If you See Something – Say Something!
c. Prepare in advance for power outages, have a megaphone readily available to communicate with attendees or protestors.
d. Consider Bag checks to look for protest materials, (object to throw or objectionable materials)
e. I strongly advise security window film be placed on ALL exterior glass to prevent unauthorized entry from broken doors or windows.
f. Be prepared to lock down entrances anytime during services to prevent unauthorized entry from protestors. Do not restrict exits. We can do this on private property!
g. Limit open entrances to building, control your access and watch who is entering. Consider closing off stairs and elevators to restrict access
h. In the Sanctuary – at Pastors discretion, use “Stand & Sing” to allow Police or Security to remove disrupters. Standing blocks POI filming, singing drowns out chanting. Shut off internet feed. Continue filming but don’t broadcast.
i. Enforce clothing policy to reduce offensive issues. No political tee’s, buttons, banners, stickers or divisive issues. Do not allow a wedge to divide us! We are in church to worship the Lord.
2. Blocking church driveway entrances to prevent services from taking place
a. Blocking to prevent entrance or exit. Police to handle.
b. All entrances open to allow for multiple routes of escape, if needed.
c. Consider map to direct traffic and project on screens in sanctuary
d. Watch for potential engagement of cars and people, by protestors, possibly turning to objects thrown or worse.
e. Request Police support at each entrance during services if problems arise.
3. Potential Vandalism after hours or possible arson – October 30/November 8
a. Consider private security patrols after dark?
b. Ask local police to increase patrols in the area.
c. Consider Security team patrols after dark? Reporting function only – Call Police if action is needed.
d. Strongly advise security film on ALL exterior glass to prevent unauthorized entry.
4. Public Roads Blocked getting to church – expressway ramps closed, local detours
a. May impact attendance. Just be advised and informed.
b. Advise on-site attendees of situation and give alternate routes to leave as needed
5. Increase Perimeter Protection against vehicle attacks
a. Where we are at risk, install barriers, bollards, landscape boulders, large planters or parked cars.
6. Have a designated official church spokesperson to handle media inquiries. All others should refer inquiries to this person.
7. Consider posting “Private Property” signs to alert people that we are in fact on private property.
8. Establish a “code”to alert staff & security of protest activities.
In general, we should increase security coverage in the building, add parking lot patrols during services and watch for suspicious behaviors. All of these items have been vetted by high level security professionals.
See Something – Say Something!