Anticipate the future what it holds
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Over the next 50 years, smart machines are expected to displace tens of millions of jobs, while creating only a small fraction of that number. As a result, unemployment will rise to 20% and beyond. Most fast food restaurants will be completely automated. Retail stores will shrink in size, and become distribution points for their customers. 80% of all shopping will be done online. Politically, governments will eventually be forced to create millions of government service jobs. Everyone’s basic needs will met. The standard of living will continue a long trend downwards. Progressives will rise to power, but be firmly anti-immigrant.
Politically, governments will eventually be forced to create millions of government service jobs. Everyone’s basic needs will met. The standard of living will continue a long trend downwards. Progressives will rise to power, but be firmly anti-immigrant. You can see the same trend in Europe, which is considerably more progressive than the U.S., but are increasingly becoming anti-immigrant. When you have very little, you are unlikely to want to share it, with strangers from another country.
Whether you are anticipating something good or bad, imagine the best possible outcome for you and work toward that. Try not to worry either way or allot a small amount of time for worry. Just work toward the best possible outcome and then wait and see what happens. And know that however it turns out, you did your best. So much is out of our control, put your focus on what you can control to help for the best outcome for yourself. Oftentimes anticipation can bring dread because you focus on what you can’t control. Do what you can, accept that, and let it go.
And while you wait to see how things will unfold still keep in mind what you can do to make things the best for yourself, whether they turn out as you would like or not. You have to make yourself okay with the situation either way. Sometimes we may not like how things turn out and that’s life. But sometimes they do turn out how we’d like, then later on we change our mind.
Best to keep your mind open to the possibilities and do what you can to work for the best possible outcome. And even then you may find what you think is the best outcome isn’t. So don’t get attached to any one outcome, because they made lead to other possibilities that you hadn’t even thought of. What might have first seemed to not have worked out in your favor, might eventually lead to even better possibilities and outcomes.
Really speaking, one should not anticipate at all. This will look strange but if you think calmly, I think you will agree with me. Our past is past and one should not dwell on it. We have no control over the future. We live the present moment. So what to anticipate? Can one accurately predict the next moment? A colleague of mine, just about 35 years old, healthy, non- smoker, pure veg and fit and fine. One morning, he had bath and was about to say his prayers. So he took the incense sticks and match box in hand.
Just that time, his kids school auto arrived and his wife was taking the kids to auto. The kids said bye Daddy to him and the wife took them to the auto and came back to see that my colleague had collapsed, with the incense sticks and match box in hand. He was no more. I am purposely giving this example.?
You can see the same trend in Europe, which is considerably more progressive than the U.S., but are increasingly becoming anti-immigrant. When you have very little, you are unlikely to want to share it, with strangers from another country. An important part of setting and having goals is to review them. Thus over time your goals will change. In order to anticipate changing goals here are the steps to setting and reviewing goals over time: List your goals, write down an action plan, review your goals, persevere and reward yourself adequately. Cheers!