Anticipate Change
Robert DeVivo
Systems & Business Consultant | IT Project Management | Business Analysis | Digital Transformation | IT Change Management | Personal Development
Rapid changes that are taking place in knowledge and information are creating new products and services and rendering many current products and services obsolete. Demand is shifting, and people have to move quickly to jobs producing what customers want today.
The sum total of our knowledge is doubling every two to three years; thus, three years from now the "new" knowledge will be equal to or greater than the knowledge from the previous two years.
Knowledge multiplies exponentially. A new piece of knowledge can be combined and recombined with other pieces of knowledge to create still more knowledge.
So, what does that mean to you? In personal terms, it means that today your knowledge must double every two to three years just for you just to stay even at your current level of ability, at your current income, in your current field of work. If your personal knowledge is not increasing at the same speed that general knowledge is increasing in your field, you will be at a disadvantage; and worse, becoming obsolete!
People get laid off when their knowledge and skill levels don't match the needs of the company in which they work. Sure, there are other reasons tied to a company's bottom line such as reducing expense, but don't be fooled by thinking that your current knowledge and skills are adequate- no, please don't fall into that trap.
It's your ability to absorb, integrate, and apply knowledge that helps you achieve a level of success. Knowledge and experience provide you with the ability to see new patterns in new situations that arise, but, only when you are augmenting your present knowledge and skills with new knowledge and skills. Thus, you "anticipate change" and you use that thinking to your advantage. You know you must improve - it's imperative that you do.