This article tries to explain the vehemence of the anti-woke movement against woke. My thesis is that anti-woke experiences an attack on rituals and thereby on freedom. The core of this article is to show the relation between the ritual and freedom (and privacy as well). What frustrates anti-woke is that woke in the name of freedom attacks freedom in their experience. Wokies are experienced as hypocrites by the anti-Wokies that do not walk the talk (for they talk their walk).



If I am drowning and someone would give me literally a helping hand I would not care less, whether that person is a homosexual transgender or not that calls herself a non-binary human being. That maybe a negative idea of ‘inclusion’ in terms of ‘I tolerate you insofar you can be of benefit’, but that is not really my point. My point being that we should not or at least be very careful to judge other people. That is the real meaning of ‘inclusion’. This article will not elaborate the relation between gender (how you feel about your biological sexuality) that has to do with having-the-being-of-your-body and biological sexuality (that is about being-your-body), so I will nog discuss any ontological of moral status of non-binary people. ?



How the ritual makes freedom possible


‘What is a ritual?’ the little prince asked. That is also a? forgotten word, said the fox. A ritual makes that days differ from each other, hours differ from each other. My hunters have a ritual. Thursday they go out dancing with the girls from the village. ‘Thursday is a great day!’ Thursdays I can walk till the mountains. In case the hunters would randomly pick days to dance all days would by equal and I would never be free. (The little prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. My translation).


This quote needs no further explanation, but it needs to be related to rituals that the woke movements destroys. The ritual of going to a public toilet in a building. Imagine (or remember) you can choose (or had a choice) between three kind of toilets: a toilet for men, a toilet for non-binary people. First of all in picking one of these toilets your normal ritual in going to the gent’s room or ladies room needs no freethinking for you just go for it. With the choice of three toilets, your going to one of these toilets has suddenly become a choice. Not a private choice, but a choice made in public and is made transparent for the public. The collective ritual guards one privacy in the collective. It is as if you do arithmetic (say for example need to divide 1 by 7 and giving an answer until the fourth number behind the unities) and suddenly you have to think about the tables of multiplication.

The falling away of the ritual obliges you to be free and destroys the freedom to be free from the obligation to be free. You are not free to be free from freedom on subjects that do not matter for you, namely going to the toilet. The energy you need to choose on subjects that do matter for you is taken hostage and is directed to a subject that is of no importance for you.

Things can get worse in allocating a different kind of toilet to each colour in the LHBTQI-flag. One solution to this practical material problem might be to not expand from two to more toilets, but to reduce two toilets into one unisex toilet. (A solution toilet cleaners could be happy with in not having to clean so much, but could be unhappy with when these cleaners are researchers in their job and like to see analogies between genders and how clean they leave behind the ‘private’ rooms). Having one toilet for everyone, all shapes and sizes, is experienced especially by women, but also by most man, as not being save. Women can be afraid of being sexually harassed. How would you feel as a woman when you are surrounded by three drunken men that know each other well and are in for ‘partying?!’ Men also do not feel save in being observed by women when they are just going for ‘a leak’. Men need to behave like gentlemen and cannot behave like men in a group of men. It is the reference to safeness as a precondition for freedom that Wokies are so proud of. ?



Security of identity or the freedom to act?


Is it the case that the woke movement is a movement that propounds freedom? They talk about emancipation and one can connect that as a freedom from something that captivated oneself. The watching machine emancipated women for they needed less time to spend in the house. (The washing machine could be the symbol for the feminist movement :) ). They became free from working too many hours in the house. A freedom that has been used to become a labourer. However woke does not directly address freedom in a positive way as the freedom to be able to do this or that, but as a freedom from unsafe places, like toilets, in order to exercise the right to be who one choses to be. Woke is not so much about freedom, but identity politics. Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) would say that the woke movement is essentialist for your essence, thought as personal identity, in the woke movement is thought of preceding existence as a dynamic movement, an act. I would say that one can discover who one is in acting and to the extent that I would agree with Sartre. (See for a book on Sartre: https://www.amazon.nl/herinnerde-bewustzijn-fenomenologie-zelfbewustzijn-transcendentie/dp/B0C2RSC27G/ref=sr_1_11?crid=G094Q5FV2W0E&keywords=james+paul+roolvink&qid=1704106202&sprefix=james+paul+%2Caps%2C185&sr=8-11). Woke wants to secure identities before acting as if one agrees to play a game if one is secured of winning. Woke is like wanting to swim by learning swimming from a textbook.

There is a Babylonian speech confusion between Woke and the reaction to Woke that is by a better name called ‘anti-Woke’. Woke talks about identity as the authentic choosing of one’s identity. The identity, essence, is located not on the level of a (fixed) identity, but on being able to choose a (temporal timeless in time fixed) identity. When identity is thought on the level of authentic choosing, (thus on the level of the act, that is on the level of existence), Woke could align with Sartre and take him as an ally. If that is the case Woke and anti-Woke could not be contradicted as timeless essence and temporal existence, because Woke would be on the some side of the contradiction, namely on the side of existence. It is about a contradiction within the side of existence, the act of freedom. The act of freedom is an act that is directed to something. That something is for the Wokies (and both Sartre and Nietzsche (how saw existence as a white canvas to paint ones identity on) the identity, but for the non-Wokies it is not identity, but something outside one’s own identity. That something could be ones family or the community and implicitly the Good. The Good is symbolised in the sun that is very ‘inclusive’, ‘all-inclusive’, for it shines on both the good and bad, anti-Wokies and Wokies. Woke is an aberration for anti-Woke for Woke says it wants to include everyone like the sun, saying they are the Good, but totally exclude all those who are against Woke, exclude the anti-Wokies. ???



Vehemence and why anti-woke is characterized as extreme right by the Wokies


From the perspective of anti-Woke Wokies are hypocrites because they are not acting on what they are saying. The Wokies talk about being inclusive and tolerate everyone, but they act very exclusively for they exclude the anti-Wokies. That experience of hypocrisy can be endured in case Woke would consist of the majority of people, but they are just a very small minority of the total population. A minority with a disproportional big influence on society due the fact that in the top of the food chain (government, media, big tech, etc.) the globalist global (transhumanist) ideology rules the ruling classes. Woke could thus be seen as a class struggle.

Woke finds its roots in my view in trade and comes forth from bit US cooperations and a shortage of skills that act globally. In order to make it easy for HR they need to be able to hire everyone in order to hire the right people in the sense of the right skills. This leads to an erosion of regional local cultures. I have seen it with my own eyes in the city of Amsterdam. Amsterdam is terrorised in the eyes a the few locals, like myself who still live in the smallest world city of the world, by expads. It can by an offence when you have to speak English in the local supermarket if you want to ask where to find a product, especially when you are of a generation that is not used to communicate in English. You feel homeless in your home (town). You feel that your roots are cut of as if, to use the same metaphor again, you have to do arithmetic and lost the capability to remember the multiplication tables by heart.

It is also that local anti-Wokies experience that due globalism, the ideal of a global city, makes them to be more and more imprisoned in just a very very small part of the so called global city. Think of initiatives of the 15 minute city, so the experience of being imprisoned can be taken very literally. Anti-Woke connects globalism with Woke, a connection that the human right fighters for the right to experience one’s identity in a save manner will not make, and thus from the perspective of the Wokies the anti-Wokies are besides anti-Woke also ‘anti-globalist = nationalists = extreme right’ and are just ‘anti’, against all that is good. That iron chain of association by the ‘=’ is a further offence for the anti-Wokies for by this chain of association, this iron logical by the identity sign ‘=’, the anti-Wokies, the locals who love their way of life and rituals, are not heard, not included, not recognized……in their (national) identity. Anti-Woke is in my view already contaminated by the idea of identity as well. The vehemence of the ‘anti-’ in anti-Woke can be explained by a brotherly struggle, on the basis of a common idea on identity, with the Wokies.

(Wokies in the Netherlands one thinks that extreme right has won the elections because many people voted for the PVV (The party for freedom), but even in case that one thinks this anti-Islamic party is an extreme right party, Wokies would profit from hearing the intentions of the voter and why also many Muslims voted for the PVV: https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/james-roolvink_wegen-van-de-koran-een-magische-lezing-activity-7133852820885135360-iX_Z?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop). ?



Hearing the cries of the Wokies. New rituals?


I am death for woke ideals? No for I believe that one must let everyone free (even to sin) for there is no coercion in religion. It might be wise that Wokies become more creative and find new rituals within the existing rituals rather than impose their will to destroy existing rituals. Of course from a logical point of few one can also say that anti-Woke needs to be creative and must except the imposition by the Wokies. A logical impasse should by overcome by wisdom. From a Dutch point of few, and I am Dutch as well, wisdom could be to turn the other cheek as an anti-Wokie (not to be confused with being an anti-Woke – for those who know Star Wars) or it could be to life and let life and find the middle way. But how? Should we have two and a half toilets in public spaces? Wisdom could be to stop the imposition of Woke on the world.

To think one can stop Woke is na?ve for Woke is just one of the exponents of the ‘Spirits of our times’. How can you stop time? How can one stop historical processes? How can one stop the walking of God through his garden, that is time? How can we stop history is history is the walking of God through time? Walk along, is the only thing mere mortals can do.

Make your daily walk a ritual. Rituals are needed when words are not given to you and therefor you can guard yourself against the pain of ignorance, the suffering of not knowing.



Further reading to train your genius amp; hiring (me as) a peacemaker



This book ‘The power of Oedipus’ will enable you to think further on the meaning of the ritual and thus enables you to mine further into the depths of freedom and find treasures.


The power of Oedipus - A small phenomenology of religion on: appearances, the unclean, the sacrifice, seeing & the wound: https://www.amazon.nl/power-Oedipus-phenomenology-appearances-sacrifice/dp/B0CQYCVKJV/ref=sr_1_22?crid=G094Q5FV2W0E&keywords=james+paul+roolvink&qid=1704108334&sprefix=james+paul+%2Caps%2C185&sr=8-22

Oedipus’ Macht - Een kleine fenomenologie van de religie over de schijn, het onreine, het offer, zien & de wond: https://www.amazon.nl/Oedipus-Macht-fenomenologie-religie-onreine/dp/B0BVNVM145/ref=sr_1_13?crid=G094Q5FV2W0E&keywords=james+paul+roolvink&qid=1704108334&sprefix=james+paul+%2Caps%2C185&sr=8-13


Reading more on woke-themes:

How transgender people show that there is a difference between being a body and having a body and being able to spiritually have your being, the being that you are: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/de-transgender-als-godsbewijs-james-roolvink/?trackingId=p0SdXApzR%2BCYc%2Fvg4rEVWA%3D%3D


About the fact that in the spirit of our time feeling is the truth rather than that one needs a feeling for the truth: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/james-roolvink/recent-activity/articles/


Wokies are ‘victims’ of mass formation. See an article on (the paradox in a theory on) mass formation: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/paradox-mass-formation-theory-james-roolvink-7lhae/ (‘Woke tot aan de dood’).



You can hire me as a professional peacemaker also when your organisation has moral dilemmas that need to be fixed. By explicating Babylonian speech confusion and letting opponents understand each other perspectives is in most cases the solution for peace in terms of tolerance. In order to go beyond tolerance and have peace in the sense of a good cooperation, synergy, between employees I discover from within the ‘spirit’ of the company new rituals. ?


I can also invent toilets. Like a toilet that spakes in a very masculine manner to you or the opposite (or in a whole other way like in your own voice) based on the preferences of the customer of that toilet (based on social media profiles) in order to feel save. :)


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