39 000 people have died In GAZA including Women and Children and 20 000 + HAMAS terrorists In a period of 9 months . If Israel was commiting Genocide on the people of Gaza this would be the worst perfomed Genocide in the history of Genocides, During World War 1 [ 1914 - 1918] a total number of civilian and military casualties was around 40 000 000, During World War 2 [ 1939 - 1945] 75 000 000 Million people died Including 40 000 000 Million civilian casualties , Both World Wars lasted 10 years. During the Rwandan Genocide in Africa the most widely accepted scholarly estimates are 500 000 - 800 000 Tutsis killed in a Genocidal attack, The Vietnam War casualties statistics have recorded a total of 3.2 Million total deaths half of whom were civilians. The Range given of the people of Iraq is 1.210 000 000 Million civilians casualties in the Iraq War, As of 2024 according to the United Nations 40 000 Civilians have been killed during the Ukraine War. The State of Israel has 90 Nuclear heads , enough weapons to destroy the whole world in 75 minutes. If Israel had Intent to commit a Genocide in Gaza they would have done it on October 8 2023.