Antenna Geometry Scaling
Shahram Shafie
Technical Engineering Management, Product Architect, and Systems Definer, Antenna, at ORTENGA
Antenna physical dimensions have always been challenging.
In fact, number one reason that radio frequencies, RF are used for radio communication is the antenna size for handheld devices.
That’s in order for our mobile radio or mobile phone to wirelessly connect, the radio frequencies must be utilized to physically realize an antenna.
Human audio frequency is anywhere from 20 – 20 KHz, which prohibits any handheld device antenna.
This is the history of radio frequency.
Now let’s fast forward to future, where 100 GHz to multi-THz radio are sought.
The outlook for Microwave or Nanowave signals may require another challenge yet in opposite to miniaturization.
At these frequencies it may be required and challenging to physically realize a much larger antenna than the operating wavelength.
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ORTENGA?has seasoned engineering from?Autonomous Automotive,?SATCOM,?radar,?Smart City,?WiFi, and Mobile Terrestrial Radio Communications industries in?Antenna,?ASIC, HW, FW, and SW engineering disciplines.