Ant Colony Algorithm
Anand Kumar
Assistant Professor/Researcher/Coder/Designer/Trader/Traveller/Empowering Young Minds/
#snsinstitutions #snsdesignthinkers #designthinking
The Ant Colony Algorithm is a bio-inspired optimization technique based on the behavior of real ants searching for food. It is a part of the Swarm Intelligence family and is widely used for solving combinatorial optimization problems, like the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), and others.
How It Works
Ants in nature use pheromones to mark paths between their colony and food sources. Over time, shorter paths accumulate more pheromones due to frequent traversal, guiding other ants toward the optimal route. The Ant Colony Algorithm mimics this behavior in a computational framework.
Key Concepts
Algorithm Steps
Mathematical Representation
The probability of an ant moving from node ii to node jj is given by:
Pij=[τij]α[ηij]β∑k∈allowed[τik]α[ηik]βP_{ij} = \frac{[\tau_{ij}]^\alpha [\eta_{ij}]^\beta}{\sum_{k \in \text{allowed}} [\tau_{ik}]^\alpha [\eta_{ik}]^\beta}
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