An Ant Analogy to Ruby and SQL scripts for ICM SWMM and ICM InfoWorks on our Github
Robert Dickinson
Autodesk Water Technologist for Storm Sewer and Flood | Expert in ICM InfoWorks ICM SWMM/Ruby | 18 Years at Innovyze/Autodesk | 52 Years with EPASWMM TAC for CIMM.ORG SWMM5+
Why an Ant and Why Ruby and SQL?
An ant and Ruby scripts for ICM are comparable in a number of intriguing ways:
In these ways, Ruby scripts for ICM share some metaphorical similarities with the characteristics and behaviors of ants, particularly in terms of efficiency, collaboration, adaptability, and task specialization.
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Learn Ruby with Visual Studio Copilot It doesn't help you to write code quickly. It helps you to edit code quickly, and that's why its superior. Cons:- It's difficult to learn.- You have to modify it for best experience. Pros:- It's difficult to learn, so you can brag about it.- You get to modify it for best experience.
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