Rev. Daniel Bramlett
Minister at Total Spiritual Development Addiction Counselor
When we are in a situation to change our life for the better, we need to begin by changing our thoughts. Changes are part of life. Instead of fighting it, embrace it. Sometimes, it can be the best thing that ever happened. Just breathe, and keep moving forward. Know that just when you least expect it, God shows up at your door and presents you with the best opportunities and along with it, he gives you angels to help you...Remember you are never truly alone. We all should be proud of who we are and whom we represent. We each are unique..there is no other exactly like any one of us...We need to always be positive gives you a good head start when presented with a challenge. Make the challenge your goal to succeed,and don't settle for anything less. Always strive to live life to the fullest,fight every battle like it's your last,and thank God for every breathe and moment you have...but I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those that persecute you;- Matthew 5:44...I love you, Lord; you are my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. Psalms 25:1...Rev Daniel Bramlett