The environment, events (small or large), knowledge, results, the will and imagination develop our beliefs, if we can detect the factors that build our information platform for decision making We can decide the way forward, the answer we give to everything that comes to us. When we are part of a group of people or a paradigmatic context it is more difficult to see different and act independently. Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains (J. Rousseau). We need to understand who We are and what We can do, without any lie against ourselves. Face our own fears can be frightening, but stand in our comfort zone will not bring what We want to grow up neither what We need to be happy.
Knowledge is one of the best ways to the person overcome their own intellectual and cultural boundaries, the very notion of what it is and how we can direct our responses to events that happen to us, outweigh the negative feelings of the results we had in our lives. The internal representations (subjective - association and dissociation) work according to the objective communication of the person, that is, and, in other words, the same way that a person can convince another (Pleas - categorical, dialectical or sophistical) antagonistic point of view, the person can influence himself, subjectively. So We need to take care with our thinking and use it correctly. The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking (A. Einstein). Let’s use this powerful resource to find what We can do to find contentment in life.
Every problem can be fixed with a little of work and creativity therefore We should pay more attention to the questions that will lead to solution rather than focusing on the hard situations itself. Knowing ask is half the answer (Mendel) and sometimes We make wrong questions because We have inner beliefs that We brought from our past and they are not true - things like everyone telling Us that We are not capable neither intelligent nor strong enough to hold an issue. If We use such things like true We can be lying, absolute truths are embodied lies (D. Damasceno). There is no fail, just learning. The true responsibility allow Us to admit that We not always get what We want, but We always have some learning and We can use it to keep walking on the direction of our objectives.
A good thought brings a good feeling the same way, a poorly thought brings a bad feeling. We must put ourselves in the position of an outside observer to better assess the events around us. Our experiences are constructed moment to moment, it comes from what We feel about a lot of things that We have not control over; but if We have courage enough to face ourselves We have control on the way We feel and the feedback We give. Self-control is the chief element in self-respect, and self-respect is the chief element in courage (Thucydides). People communicate with each other and they do communicate subjectively through linguistic predicative, so We must depurate what we perceive with our sensory system, ‘cause We could be seeing through our own limits.
Most people have the false belief that the words and phrases - in short - are metaphors, however, is a mistake without measures to keep this belief, for the mind, when you are working at the conscious level; when we are thinking, we are thinking through discursive language. What We say should be directed to build something good, these words affect ourselves too, so the used vocabulary must pass through the reflection of what can be useful and constructive; we need to know the exact syntax in which are processed the information in our brains according to the works of Wundt, Watson, Pavlov, Skinner, Bandura, Beck, Koffka.. You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers; You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions (N Mahfuz). We need to know how to receive and process all information to give our feedback.