Answers Are Coming
Andrea Nicole McGibbon
CEO, Life & Leadership Development Strategist; Author; Helping Leaders uplift their Performance & Productivity.
With all of what is happening in and around us, we are cognizant that these are dark-looking?times.?We may even struggle?with hopelessness, anxiety?and fear?about the future, but let me remind you -?there are at least two sides to every story.?There was a time when the earth was formless, empty and dark, and God said, "let there be light." And indeed, there was?light. Light is still here.
Jesus is the Light of life, and His image bearers are the light of the world.?Light also represents revelation, and divine revelation comes by the Spirit of God. The Spirit reveals to us the mysteries of the Word of God and He is the source of the divine solutions, strategies and safeguards we need to combat the mess on the earth.?The antidote for?darkness is very much within our reach.?Light is a person, position, and pathfinder; we need all three to light up the place.?
"The LORD said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.”?Jeremiah 1:12
Choice without knowledge and revelation is a trap, and in the midst of great deception and a sophisticated?information war, we are at a disadvantage without light. An?inability to discern - truth from lie, right from wrong, good from evil, godly from sinful -?is destroying, killing and robbing us of life, life more abundant and divine legacy. We must pursue The Light, like our life depends on it...because it does.?What and who we do not know can?cause serious hurt!
Darkness cannot overcome, comprehend or extinguish light, so take comfort in knowing that the answer?is already here, and the answers are coming. God's Word will not return to Him void. So?as?He said, I echo and prophesy over myself, over you and over the earth - BE?THERE LIGHT!