The answers to all your question about Riester Rente!
Alicia Aswani
???? Independent financial advisor for internationals in Germany . ??Real Estate Investment ????♂?Retirement Planning ??ETF & Mutual Funds ??Insurance Planning ??? ????????????
Today I want to write about a very popular pension plan in Germany, Riester Rente. Because many of you, including myself, have a private pension plan as part of our strategy. Let us start with a story about the first time I was confronted with the Riester Rente.
About ten years ago when I was in Germany for about two years and I was earning my first money.
My house bank called to make an appointment to talk about my money and account. Because I was new to the system I went by and an older lady welcomed me in her office. Back then I was 25 years of age.
The lady started straight away to talk about a certain scheme from which I can profit (back then I did not know banks in Germany have a time window of 15 minutes per client). Everything went very fast, I told to the lady I could not commit to something I did not understand so she said something like: If you do not do this it is your own fault (Wenn Sie das nicht machen, sind sie selber Schuld!) True story.
Long story short: She was talking about the Riester Rente. Well I wished she had more time and more patience to explain the scheme, maybe I would have started saving earlier for my older me.
My learning at that day however, was very valuable: I will never be like this lady. I will always listen to all your questions about the Riester Rente!
Why did I wish to have started sooner with saving for the older me?
As we already learned from our Renteninformationsblatt, the state pension will not be sufficient in older age. Please do not be mistaken; this is not a promotion for the Riester Pension! This is a direct alert for saving additionally to the statutory pension for the older you!
We must finally get rid of the idea that the statutory pension is in some form designed to enable most of us to lead a carefree life in old age. What we can certainly trust and for which I am very grateful for my part is that nobody in Germany has to starve or die of thirst.
But even employees who actually earn two pension points per year, i.e. an annual gross salary of 74.260€, will not be able to maintain their standard of living without further private provision.
How you save additionally for your pension is your own responsibility. Either you have real estate, stocks, inheritance, a pension plan or in the best case: all of them. I believe that a good pension strategy has multiple facets. Do not put alls your eggs in one basket. You heard this before right ;)?
Now todays topic, the Riester Rente, has specific characteristics and rules! Once you follow these rules, you can make out the most of this scheme.
Where does the name "RIESTER" come from?
The "Riester pension" was named by to Walter Riester, the founder as Federal Minister for Labor and Social Affairs back in 2000.
The reason the Riester Pension was born 2002, was the reform of the statutory pension scheme in 2000/2001. Here the pension was shortened and Walter Riester introduced this model to balance that lost.
The payment of the contributions and grants is guaranteed and takes place for life after retirement.
How to get the maximum state benefits from my investment?
Only those who pay at least 4% of the previous year's income subject to pension insurance can benefit from the full support. The annual maximum amount for the deposit is currently 2.100€, the minimum amount is 60€ per year.
Once you invest that amount you get an annual state subsidy of 175€ per person.
Since 2008, any young professional has received a one-time bonus of 200€ if he/she signs up for a Riester pension plan before his/her 26th birthday.
Financial Insider: Your maximum contribution is going to be 160,42€. (2100-175= 1925/12= 160,42€ per month). If you have children your own contribution reduces to a lower investment. What is really good for you, because you contribute less on your own. But that also means that Riester is just a piece in your bigger pension strategy. It is never you Plan A!
Talking about children and families: Savers with children particularly benefit from the promotion. Because there is additional money you can get out of your investment from the state for children entitled to child benefit on top the the regular KINDERGELD.
State subsidy and for children born after 2008 is 300€ per year! Children born before 2008 receive 185€, and you get that until you get the Kindergeld aswell. To a maximum until your child is 25 years old. If your regular contribution is 1925€ you can reduce the children subsidy from your investment.
Financial Insider: For families where only one partner is working there is a special regulation. As housewife or houseman you are not contributing to the Rentenversicherung so you cannot open such plan. But if the working partner opens one Riester Plan, the other party is allowed to open a plan for only 5€ contribution per month. As we learned 60€ per year is the minimum contribution sum.
Once the partner has an 5€ saving plan per month, she or he gets the state subsidy of 175€. If there are children even better. The non working partner can add them into their plans and get much more money compared to his/her contribution.
Example: The father has a Riester, the mother is at home with 2 children. She pays into the Riester 5€ per month and is getting her individual benefits plus the children benefits. In this scenario the family has 2 kids born after 2008. This means getting a state benefit of 775€ per year by only investing 60€ per year.
How does the Riester work?
Riester has 3 mechanisms and 3 institutions that are involved in that saving plan:
- With the Riester, the saver concludes a contract with a private provider and pays contributions until the start of retirement.
- A part of the Riester is subsidy. The subsidies are depending on the amount of the payments. This state donation will come from the "Zulagenstelle". Yes Riester has an own institution where the subsidies come from.
- Riester savers also benefit from tax advantages: Since 2008, contributions to the Riester pension of up to 2.100€ can be claimed as special expenses in the income tax return. However, the allowances received are deducted from the tax savings. If your situation entitles you to get extra tax savings, it is important to make a tax declaration naming your Riester investments every year. Your Riester investment and the state donations will stay in the pot for your older you. The tax benefits you will get every year to your bank account.
Ok guys, here comes the tricky part when filling out the forms of the Riester. It is in my point of view one of the longest forms to fill out and there is potential for mistakes. It is important to fill out all informations for the holder company, "Zulagenstelle" and in the tax declaration so that each mechanism works and you enjoy all benefits.
Financial Insider: When going for a private Pension Plan as like Riester make sure you have the needed support from your financial advisor. Make sure everything is filled out. Even a year after you should check on your Riester if you are getting all the benefits. One mistake in the social security number or tax id can cause not getting the benefits!
Have your contributions checked when your salary changes. These may have to be adjusted so that you can continue to receive the full allowance. Apply for the child allowance when you have children.
Financial Insider: In the end, the promotional return for savers is the result of the interplay between allowances and tax advantages. The greatest beneficiaries are those who make full use of one of the two factors: On the one hand, there are Riester savers with low incomes and many children, they receive high allowances; on the other hand, higher earners without children; they take advantage of a high tax advantage.
Make sure that the company you are working with is offering you a market participation with tools like mutual funds or ETF! Thats a total must!
How can I use my investment?
Normally, the payment of the Riester pension starts with the start of personal retirement. Theoretically, you can have the pension paid out at the earliest from the age of 62 if the contract was concluded after 2012.
- Once the pension starts you get a life-long monthly pension.
- The savings can be used at the Wohn-Riester to purchase a property for own use or to promote an age-appropriate renovation, to pay off a loan or to finance a move to a nursing home or retirement home.
- As well Riester savers have been permitted to receive 30% of their savings in a one-time payment at the time of retirement.
The rest must be received as a life-long monthly pension.
Financial Insider: The longer you live the more you get out of your investment. Why not take out the 30% of the savings and re-investing them to make your money work? We do not know how long we are going to live
What if I move out of Germany?
If you have a Riester pension and go abroad, you have to consider a few things. It makes a big difference whether the new place of residence is inside or outside the EU. If Riester savers move abroad permanently (EU or not EU), no further subsidies and allowances from the German state can be obtained.
The Riester pension is linked to the compulsory insurance of the pension fund, as are all allowances. Since this obligation no longer applies to emigrants, all subsidies are also omitted. Savers that move out and cancel the Riester to take the money abroad, have to pay the state subsidies back.
It is different if you move back to Germany. It is better to pause them, for example if you are unemployed, or to make them exempt from contributions. That means your Riester Pension stays alive, but you do not pay contributions, but there are no tax advantages or government subsidies. You can then pay off the Riester in old age.
If you move or retire in the EU you enjoy the same benefits as in Germany even the "Wohn-Riester" option can be used inside the EU. So if you want to buy a property abroad and actually live in it, you can do this through Wohn-Riester without losing subsidies and allowances.
Whether in the savings phase of the Riester pension or after the start of retirement: Anyone moving abroad has to consider a few things. A distinction must be made here whether one relocates within or outside the EU, where the income is drawn and what type of Riester pension one has.
Under certain circumstances, the allowances and subsidies received are repaid. In many cases, however, you can also draw the supplementary pension as a pensioner abroad without any problems.
How you can benefit from the Riester pension and which conditions apply, differs depending on the occupation and group of people. The benefits of the Riester pension, for example, are heavily dependent on how high your income is.
This aspect can differ enormously between a single manager, a single parent or a family. So personal circumstances also play a major role in the Riester pension. Above all, the number of children and whether you are married or not. Married couples with children particularly benefit from the Riester pension supplements. High earners tend to benefit from the tax advantages.
Before you take out a Riester pension, you should know the specifics of your group of people. Riester makes the most sense if you are thinking to stay longterm in Germany. Please consult your financial advisor.
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???? Independent financial advisor for internationals in Germany . ??Real Estate Investment ????♂?Retirement Planning ??ETF & Mutual Funds ??Insurance Planning ??? ????????????
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