Answering some Questions
Nice that lots of people got in touch regarding my latest post about ‘horsepower’ and learning. Hopefully I can answer some of the questions raised in private communications in recent days. Thanks for some of the coaching comments you shared – helps me keep learning.
1.???? My toolbox for running is actually part of the larger toolbox of ‘Locomotion’ that includes crawling, jumping, hopping, leaping, galloping, carioca.
2.???? My chosen Keystones for the running movement pattern are: (a) How, When and Where the foot hits the ground (b) What direction the foot comes off the ground. These are exemplified by my language of: “Toes Up, Heel to Hamstring, Step over the opposite Shin”. In nearly every case I have dealt with the rest of the body's actions and postures ‘self-organise’ over time to accommodate the Keystones. It must be noted that, on some rare occasions, I have had to deal with other postural elements directly and not via the ‘self-organising’ route.
3.???? My running toolbox, therefore, contains:
Run / Walk
Forwards / Backwards / Lateral / Circle clockwise / Circle ant-clockwise / Circles facing in / Circles facing out.
The above with variables such as: no arm action; single arm action, broomstick overhead, catching, passing, carrying.
Skipping – Rope
In place; Simple to Complex / Walking (variability of Direction, Speed, Amplitude) / Running (variability of Direction, Speed, Amplitude)?
Forwards (variability of height and distance covered) / Lateral (variability of height and distance covered) / Circles routine.
The above with variables such as: no arm action; single arm action, broomstick overhead, catching, passing, carrying.
Forward (Left and Right Leg lead) for Height / Distance. Backwards (Left and Right Leg lead) for Height / Distance. Circles routine.
The above with variables such as: no arm action; single arm action, broomstick overhead, catching, passing, carrying.
Leap / Jump / Hop
Height, Distance, Direction
The above with variables such as: no arm action; single arm action, broomstick overhead, catching, passing, carrying.
In all of these components Relays and Games can be created. These are vital to the overall mindset of enjoyment and personal progress as opposed to the current 'results, ranking and reward'.
No matter which component, under whatever circumstances, the Keystones can readily be considered and woven into the activity.
Similarities to the Locomotion sector. Ensure that the journey includes Heaving, Slinging, Pushing, Underarm and Overarm Throwing. Each one can follow the journey of:
Forward, Backward, Lateral, Diagonal (One-handed and two-handed). Various implements of varying sizes; Varying Height and Target activities.
Static two-footed stance
Static one-footed stance
Static Split Stance
Step in to throw
Walk into throw
Run into throw
Pivot into throw
Rotate into throw
Note that many of these throwing activities can appear as variables in the Locomotion sector e.g. Run and……, Hop and……., Jump and….
Keystones are built around the following:
·???????? The actions start at the ground and transfer through body parts to the chosen delivery action. Seen as Feet to Legs to Hips to Trunk to Shoulder to Arm to Hand.
·???????? In most cases there should be a ‘separation’ or ‘delay’ or ‘Stretch-shorten cycle’, or ‘torque’ build up between the Hips and Throwing Shoulder as the forces traverse the body from the Feet to the Hand(s).
·???????? There is often a transfer of weight from one foot to the other in the direction of the throw.?
·???????? Often, just prior to the throw, the non-throwing side is ‘braced’ which allows the throwing side to accelerate.
Hope some of this helps a little.