Answering How I've Kept My Motivation To Write Daily Articles For Over 700 Days Straight - Understanding The Science Behind My Daily Success
Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.
Multi-Award-Winning Sageship Coach, Daily Digital Writer (700+), Producer, TV Show Host, Podcaster, Speaker | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | Categories: Sageship & Legendary Leadership | #1 Creator: Typeshare & Vocal
When people ask about my Work, we usually get to the Topic of How I Write Daily Articles.
Since January 1, 2023, I have Written.
One Article.
Every Day.
Rain, Snow, or Shine.
On Holidays.
On Vacations.
I Hit Publish.
I Start an Article and Finish an Article between the Time I Wake Up and Midnight.
I Do Not have Half Written Articles and Do Not Keep a "Publishing Schedule".
If you see an Article I Wrote, I Wrote It From Beginning to End (and Edited It) that Day.
Then when people Realize that I have done this for Over 700 Days Straight, they always ask the Same Question.
How Do You Stay Motivated?
It's an Interesting Question.
We Live in a World where we are Told that we Must be Motivated to have Success.
That You Must Love What You Do, and You'll Never Work a Day in Your Life.
You Will Be Motivated to Follow It.
So, they Ask Me.
How Do I Do It?
How Do I Maintain Motivation?
Especially for 700 Days Straight?
Do You Want the Answer?
Here's the Truth.
I Do Not.
I am Not Motivated Every Day.
Many Days I have Absolutely No Motivation at All.
Sometimes I look at the Blank Page, Questioning If I Should Just "Let It Go".
This happens Frequently.
At Least a Couple of Times a Week.
When Motivation Does Not Exist.
Yet, I Still Write.
I Still Get It Done.
I Still Love It, Even Without Motivation.
How is this Possible?
Writing is Not something I am "Motivated" to Do.
For Me, Writing is a "Way of Being".
Writing is a Wayset for Me.
I Discussed this Idea of a Wayset Yesterday.
There are Days, Like Today, when my Mindset is Not Beneficial to My Wayset.
I have No Motivation Today.
Motivation is a part of "Mindset".
If I only Listened to My Mind Today, I would likely do just about anything "Other" than Write Today (and Most Days).
But, I know that Writing is an Essential Part of My Work.
One that I Love.
So, I have Learned to Turn to Other Parts of My "Being" to Continue to Write.
For Instance, if I can't "Think" of Something to Write with My Brain, then I Turn to My Heart.
There is an Area of Science called, "Neurocardiology" or the "Heart Brain".
Our Hearts have Neurons, which think "Differently" from our Brains.
The Brain and the Heart Brain Communicate Back and Forth with Each Other.
They have Different Ways of Thinking, and they can Supersede Each Other.
When you Understand them, you can Choose.
Which One Guides Your Actions Today?
For Me, Writing this Article Today, My Heart is Guiding It.
My Heart is Leading, and my Brain is Following.
But it goes Further than this as well.
We have another "Brain System" which is our Nervous System.
Our Nervous System also "Thinks" and can "Act" Completely Independently of the Brain.
There are Many Recorded Instances of the Nervous System Reacting to Stimuli "Long" before the Brain Receives Signals about what is going on.
But what does this have to do with My Wayset in regards to Writing?
See, you can "Train" your Body to Act in just about Any Way you want.
Under Any Circumstances.
In Science, they call it "Habit Forming".
Part of this Exists in the Brain, but another part of it Exists in the Nervous System.
When most people Approach a "Blank Page", what happens?
Their Nervous System puts them into a Fight-or-Flight State.
A Survival Tactic.
Now, technically speaking there are more ways to react - Fight, Flight, Freeze, and Fawn.
Often you will get hit with a Combination of these.
So, when most Writers see a Blank Page, they first "Freeze", then some of them will get Angry (Fight), and then Most will Walk Away to "Seek Motivation" (Flight).
Except, they Discover that "Motivation" Never Comes.
However, you can Reprogram the Nervous System.
Instead of a Survival Instinct when you see a Blank Page, you can Teach the Nervous System to see it Differently.
In Technical Terms, you need to make sure the Nervous System Receives "Calming" Signals.
If you do it Correctly, when you "See" the Blank Page, your Response Changes.
When I See the Blank Page, my Nervous System's Wayset says, "Go".
It has gotten to the Point where, Frequently, I Start Writing having No Clue where the End is Going.
Scientists call it a "Flow State", and Writers sometimes will call it a "Stream of Conscious".
The Nervous System says "Go" and the "Heart" Leads the Writing, the Brain then Follows and Fills in the Details.
When you look at the Science of Flow States, you see that certain Areas of the Brain literally "Shut Down" to Fuel Energy (Mg-ATP) to Other Parts of the Brain.
The Heart and Nervous System are telling the Brain that those areas are Not Needed Right Now.
Focus the Energy (Mg-ATP) on Writing Instead.
Motivation is a Non-Factor.
I Do Not Need Motivation to Write.
Sometimes I have Motivation, and it is Awesome when it Strikes.
Yesterday's Article was Guided by my Brain and Motivation.
But it is Unreliable as a Wayset.
I am Unable to Rely on Motivation Alone to Write and Attain the "State of Being" I want in my Life.
So I Guide my Wayset to where I "Do" Want to Be.
As I Progress, I Switch what Guides Me so that my Wayset Remains Steadfast.
Always Forward.
Today, Another Article.
Tomorrow, Another Article.
For Me, Writing is a Wayset.
Maintaining that Wayset has been one of the Greatest Aspects of My Life.
To have Success in Life, We Must Define Success For Ourselves.
Any "Outside" Definition of Success will only bring Sorrow.
But, Once We have Defined Success for Ourselves, we must Adjust our Wayset to Attain that Success.
With or Without Motivation.
Do Not Rely on Motivation.
Instead, Adjust Your Wayset.
Multi-Award-Winning Sageship Coach, Daily Digital Writer (700+), Producer, TV Show Host, Podcaster, Speaker | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | Categories: Sageship & Legendary Leadership | #1 Creator: Typeshare & Vocal
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