An answer to the racist categorization of supposed unlimited support for Putin's war in Ukraine by PRC thinkers. The truth is far more nuanced
One of the perennial canards is the supposed inevitability of Asian support for Putin, in Ukraine, with obnoxious references made out of Ghengis Khan , in his wars of conquest, in the 13th century, with Attila the Hun thrown in for good measure, and of course the old chestnut as to the predecessors of the Hungarians, in the 9th and 10th century. While wars of conquest from central Asia did occur, the selectivity of this analogy pales in comparison to the abject massacre of Indian empires in Central America, and Peru, by Spain which resulted, from conquest and epidemic diseases in the 16th century resulting in 90% of the native population in the Americas dying. To maybe up to over 100 million deaths. An event which may have had, due to the enormity of the die off, a contributing factor to the "little Ice age" in the 17th century. Needless to state, in world war II, the Soviet phenomenon of the Siberian " Christmas trees" was more a matter of reaction to the savage initial brutalization of Eastern European populations by the German Heer ( Armed forces) than any propensity of Asiatic barbarism. As I stated before Chinese - US competition, and its fall outs are a given , but the following is a good sample of a far more nuanced view of the Ukraine Russian war than presumed know it all hawks presume. And the idea that heavens forbid, there is a unique Asian propensity for barbarism in war, answers itself in its absurd ignorance of the bloody travails of human kind for at least 100,000 years of human history. With that in mind, the following is offered as a form of mental firewall against some of the racist generalizations I have seen out there as to this hideous war.
Rethinking Ukraine in China
Former Chinese ambassador to Ukraine Gao Yusheng speaks his mind in a since censored presentation on the war
MAY 13, 2022
A Ukrainian tank stuck in the mud. Image: CNN / Screengrab / AP
The following is an article written by China’s former ambassador to Ukraine, Gao Yusheng. The original and the?English version?by David Cowhig are provided below. Here are a few points about the significance of this article.
Ambassadors in China usually don’t publish without pre-clearing.?Moreover, there are three messages implied here and reported as if speaking like a Chinese person:
In the meantime, Gao’s original article was removed from the official Chinese website but another one was published. It is less dramatic but equally recognized the need to move the target about Ukraine.
Yan Xuetong, dean of the Institute of International Relations at Tsinghua University,?said the war has accelerated the reverse of globalization, which is not conducive to China’s trade.
He reportedly?argued?that:
“The war has had a big impact on international order, he said,?as both Washington and Moscow do not follow international rules… This war has exacerbated the situation that the international community is even more non-compliant with international rules. Russia did not abide by the UN Charter when launching the war this time, and the US sanctions against it also did not comply with the rules.”
It all seems to indicate the beginning of some profound rethinking in China. It may end up in nothing, as it happened many times in Chinese history. Or it may have some outcome at the Party Congress this fall (Francesco Sisci).
Posted on?05/10/2022?by?高大伟 David Cowhig
Gao Yusheng is a retired diplomat of the People’s Republic of China. In 2001 – 2003, he served as Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Turkmenistan, in 2003 – 2005, he served as Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Uzbekistan, and in 2005 -2007, as Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Ukraine. His last post was Deputy Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
The Former PRC Ambassador to Ukraine Gao Yusheng: The Dynamics of the Russian-Ukrainian War and the Implications for the International Order
Former PRC Ambassador to Ukraine Gao Yusheng????
The Impact of the Russian-Ukrainian War on the International Order
Recently, the Forum of Thirty on China’s International Finance and the Department of International Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences hosted an internal video seminar to discuss how the Russia-Ukraine crisis has changed the global financial landscape, its impact on China and how China should respond.
Former Chinese Ambassador to Ukraine Gao Yuanchuan spoke at the seminar. The following is the text of his talk including edits he made after giving his talk.
The Russo-Ukrainian War is the most important international event of the post-Cold War period. It marks the end of the post-Cold War period and creates in a new international order.
Russia’s position in the Russia-Ukraine war has become increasingly passive and unfavorable. Its coming defeat is already clear.
The main reasons why Russia is now heading towards defeat are:
The next phase of the war is likely to be more violent and intense
The possibility of expansion and escalation cannot be ruled out. This is because: the objectives of the two sides are diametrically opposed. Ensuring its sovereignty over Crimea and eastern Ukraine is clearly the bottom line for the Russian side.
Ukraine will not concede to Russia on the issue of sovereignty and territorial integrity and will be determined to recover eastern Ukraine and Crimea through war. The US, NATO and the EU have repeatedly affirmed their determination to defeat Putin.
US Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs John Sully recently emphasized three goals for the US to achieve in the Russia-Ukraine war.
In order to achieve these goals, the United States and the NATO EU countries have not only significantly increased their assistance to Ukraine, but the United States also passed the first post-World War II Lend Lease Act. The US has internationalized and institutionalized its assistance to Ukraine through the 41st Defense Ministerial Conference.
More importantly, the direct involvement of the US and Britain in the war is deepening and expanding. All of this suggests that the war will be fought until Russia is defeated and punished.
The Russo-Ukrainian War and the New International Order
The Russo-Ukrainian War put an end to the Yalta system and the remnants of the Cold War, and the world began to move toward a new pattern and order of international relations.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia inherited the Soviet Union’s status as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a military superpower; Russia continued and retained much of the legacy and influence of the former Soviet Union in domestic politics, economy, society, culture and ideology; and Russian foreign policy was a blend of the foreign policies of the former Soviet Union and of the Tsarist Empire.
(1)?The central and overriding direction of the Putin regime’s foreign policy is to regard the former Soviet Union as its exclusive sphere of influence and to restore the empire through the mechanism of integration in all spheres of that area under Russian domination.
Russia has been focused and determined to achieve this goal.?Russia has never really recognized the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of other former Soviet states, and has frequently violated their territoriality and sovereignty. The Russian-Ukrainian war has changed this situation dramatically in terms of peace and security in the Eurasian region.
After the independence of Ukraine, especially since 2000, the two factions in the country, which had been essentially equally divided between the East and the West leaning factions which were elected to power alternately.
Following the annexation of Crimea and the occupation of parts of eastern Ukraine in 2014, anti-Russian sentiment in Ukraine rose and pro-Russian forces began to shrink. Most of the people in Ukraine, not only in the east but also in the south, supported the country’s entry into the EU and NATO.
After the outbreak of the war, the situation in Ukraine has fundamentally changed. The country is united in its resistance to Russia and its salvation. It can be said that Russia has completely lost Ukraine.
At the same time, the former Soviet Union, with the exception of white Russia, including the members of the Collective Security Treaty and the Eurasian Economic Union, have refused to support Russia. Russia’s defeat would leave it with no hope of rebuilding its old empire.
In order to gain the international status and influence of the Tsarist Empire or the former Soviet Union, break the existing international order, change the geopolitical map of the Eurasian continent and the world.
Russia is obsessed with regrouping the former Soviet states and restoring its alliance or empire. This is in contrast to the US position. This is a fundamental confrontation and conflict with the US. This is the main conflict and sticking point in Russia’s relations with the US.
To a large extent, the conflict between the two sides on this issue is a continuation and remnant of the Cold War between the US and the USSR, and has a certain ideological color. It also has a certain ideological color.
Through this war, the confrontation and struggle between Russia and the US in the context of the American Empire ended in a total defeat for Russia. It has ended the post-Cold War or the continuation of the Cold War.
(2) Possible points of the evolution of the international order after the Russo-Ukrainian war
This essay first appeared on the Settimana News website and is republished with permission. To see the original, please?click here.
end of quote
Let us also unpack this with a consideration some of the racial "hawks" do not get but which is also in deliberation in Beijing, Washington, and the EU. I.e. the conceivable demise of the Russian Federation:
Prepare for the disappearance of Russia
It’s 1991 again and, now as then, Western policymakers and analysts are terrified of confronting the two big “what if” questions raised by?Russian President?Vladimir Putin’s calamitous war with Ukraine: What if the Russian Federation is following in the Soviet Union’s footsteps and is on the verge of collapse? What if, once again, the process is driven by internal factors and there’s nothing we can do about it?
The Soviet collapse was both a surprise and an annoyance for much of the West. Few government leaders expected a superpower to disappear overnight and even fewer greeted the prospect with enthusiasm. President George H. W.?Bush’s?infamous “Chicken Kiev” speech, in which he warned Ukrainians against pursuing “suicidal nationalism” and thereby risking undermining the Soviet state, became emblematic of Western fears of a Soviet collapse. The speech was also testimony to the belief that Western policy could prevent such an outcome.
A similar inability to imagine the unimaginable appears evident today. Eurasia Group’s?Ian Bremmer?typifies?this inability to think beyond Russia: “Gone are the days when Russia’s war aims consisted solely of ‘de-Nazifying and demilitarizing’ Ukraine. Also gone are the days when U.S. and allied governments limited their involvement to helping Ukraine defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity,” he writes. “… The result is a new Cold War between Russia and its opponents — one that promises to be less global than its 20th-century counterpart but also less stable and predictable.” Despite all the portentous changes that Bremmer foresees, Russia’s collapse as a state is not one of them.
And yet, it’s perfectly possible, possibly even probable. And the sooner the West starts thinking about what a Russian collapse will look like, the better — not because there is much we can do to stop it, but because it will have earth-shattering consequences for the world.
Putin believes that whatever problems arise within his realm must be the handiwork of foreign forces. Soviet leaders held similar views. In fact, the weaknesses of their states were the products of their dysfunctional political and economic systems and of policy mistakes the leaders made.
Soviet totalitarianism and central planning were good at mobilizing people and resources for mega-projects such as industrialization, collectivization, and war (while also killing millions in the process), but they failed miserably as systems of governance in modern societies. Mikhail Gorbachev’s perestroika was a conscious effort to fix the malfunctioning Soviet system — and not to rid it of nefarious Western influences. Quite the contrary, Gorbachev understood that opening the USSR to the world could save it. The Soviet Union fell apart because Gorbachev emasculated the Communist Party, thereby destroying the linchpin of totalitarian rule and both enabling and compelling the non-Russian republics to seek salvation from a decrepit system through independence.
Putin’s fascist Russia is no less dysfunctional. The hyper-centralization of power in the hands of a possibly irrational leader with delusions of grandeur is a recipe for institutional decay, as bureaucrats attempt to survive by empire-building, compartmentalization and buck-passing, and for policy disaster. It was Putin and?a small coterie?of his?sycophantic pals?who decided to invade Ukraine, thereby dooming thousands of Russian soldiers to an early death and exposing Russia’s efforts at building a powerful military?as fictional. Corruption thrives in such circumstances, while the ability to pursue imaginative policies of economic and political reform atrophies under the dead weight of a dysfunctional and corrupt bureaucracy.
If the Russian Federation falls apart, it will be due to the strains and weaknesses inherent in the system, the inability of Putin to keep its parts together and its elites happy, and the catastrophic impact on Russia of his idiotic decision to invade Ukraine with an army that was unprepared for such an adventure. Western military and economic?assistance?to Ukraine has strengthened Ukraine and improved its war effort, but the disintegrating processes currently affecting Russia would be taking place even if Western assistance had been minimal.
Now, as in 1991, the Russian Federation’s provinces and non-Russian autonomous republics will be forced to fend for themselves as they witness the Russian political and economic system crumble around them. There was already a “parade of sovereignties” during the dysfunctional 1990s; there will be another one in the 2020s. The Russian Federation could metamorphose into 10 or more states, only one of which would be known as Russia. That would change the face of Eurasia forever.
Stopping this process likely will not be possible. If the West were to abandon all?its sanctions?tomorrow, disintegration would be slowed down, but not halted. Indeed, slowing it down might be worse than letting it take its course. The longer the disintegration, the greater the cost in lives. All the West can, and must, do is prepare for a probable outcome: the disappearance of Russia as we know it.
Alexander J. Motyl?is a professor of political science at Rutgers University-Newark. A specialist on Ukraine, Russia and the USSR, and on nationalism, revolutions, empires and theory, he is the author of 10 books of nonfiction, as well as “Imperial Ends: The Decay, Collapse, and Revival of Empires” and “Why Empires Reemerge: Imperial Collapse and Imperial Revival in Comparative Perspective.”
end of quote
THIS, IMO a fear of a vacuum created by Russian Federation collapse, more than some idiot propensity as to alleged Asian ALL out support for Putin Barbarism is what is driving joint analysis as to what is going on in the Ukraine-Russia war. I.e. the increasing chance of a break up of the Russian Federation, has galvanized think tanks in Asian capitals, in the EU and in Washington DC as to what to expect if the colossus with feet of clay, Putin's Russia, breaks apart. I urge readers to deliberate upon that, rather than fixate upon racist memes which have little bearing as to geo strategists trying to come to terms with what happens if Russia falls, due to Putin's idiot war of choice in Ukraine
One of the perennial canards is the supposed inevitability of Asian support for Putin, in Ukraine, with obnoxious references made out of Ghengis Khan , in his wars of conquest, in the 13th century, with Attila the Hun thrown in for good measure, and of course the old chestnut as to the predecessors of the Hungarians, in the 9th and 10th century. While wars of conquest from central Asia did occur, the selectivity of this analogy pales in comparison to the abject massacre of Indian empires in Central America, and Peru, by Spain which resulted, from conquest and epidemic diseases in the 16th century resulting in 90% of the native population in the Americas dying. To maybe up to over 100 million deaths. An event which may have had, due to the enormity of the die off, a contributing factor to the "little Ice age" in the 17th century. Needless to state, in world war II, the Soviet phenomenon of the Siberian " Christmas trees" was more a matter of reaction to the savage initial brutalization of Eastern European populations by the German Heer ( Armed forces) than any propensity of Asiatic barbarism. As I stated before Chinese - US competition, and its fall outs are a given , but the following is a good sample of a far more nuanced view of the Ukraine Russian war than presumed know it all hawks presume. And the idea that heavens forbid, there is a unique Asian propensity for barbarism in war, answers itself in its absurd ignorance of the bloody travails of human kind for at least 100,000 years of human history. With that in mind, the following is offered as a form of mental firewall against some of the racist generalizations I have seen out there as to this hideous war.
FTR, it is time for sloppy thinkers in the Western alliance to evolve on this issue and to see the facts of life.
Andrew Beckwith, PhD
Chemical Engineering Specialist at Firma-Terra
2 年I don't see the re-militarization of Japan related to this war. Am I missing something obvious?
Chemical Engineering Specialist at Firma-Terra
2 年I don't follow the relationship with Japan re-militarization. Am I missing something obvious.