The Answer My Friend is Blowing the 
              Wind  and Distance and 

The Answer My Friend is Blowing the Wind and Distance and Elevation

The answer my friend is blowing the wind and distance and elevation. . . How much does wind, distance, altitude, muzzle velocity, affect bullet trajectory? Some questions for you and you alone (to answer for yourself).

Warning, the following is science related, but if you take the time with what is here you will be guaranteed better accuracy short and long range.

Hopefully, you will find that centering your cross hairs on the targets center and printing your bullet on the target 5-6 inches high at 50 yards will still bring your bullet into the 10 -12 inch kill zone out to 175 yards. Beyond that yardage you have yo make your own/further adjustment.

Does wind affect a bullet at 100 yards?

Get to within 100 yards and you will not even have to compensate. In a whistling 30 mph, 90-degree crosswind, for example, at 100 yards, the wind drifts a. 30/06, 180-grain bullet less than 3 inches.

How much does air resistance affect a bullet?

Air resistance (or "drag") slows the bullet with a force proportional to the square of the velocity. Wind makes the projectile drift from its normal still-air trajectory. There are two key elements to understanding a bullet's susceptibility to wind drift.

How much does wind affect a bullet at 200 yards?

With a 10 mph, 90-degree wind, bullet deflection increases from 4.6" at 200 yards to 6.2" at 230 yards. This is a 35 percent increase in windage over a 15 percent increase in range!

How much does wind affect a 308 bullet at 100 yards?

(At 100 yards a 10 mph full value wind will blow a typical . 308 sniping projectile about . 7 inch. Use that information rather than the formula for shots of 100 yards or less) For ranges that are in between even 100 yard range increments, round to the nearest 100 yards.

How much does wind affect a bullet at 400 yards?

Or, it's a 4 o'clock wind - use 75% of the full value. Notice, too, that wind drift grows disproportionately with distance: the full value at 400 yards (14") is more than twice the full value at 200 yards (3"). That's because your bullet is slowing at greater range, giving the wind a bit more time to push it sideways.

What is a minute of angle?

A Minute of Angle (MOA) is an angular measurement. A MOA is 1/60th of a degree. 1 MOA spreads about 1″ per 100 yards. ( actually 1.047″) 1 MOA is a different size at different distances, 8″ at 800 yards is still just 1 MOA.

Even the shape, weight, length, and muzzle velocity of your projectile will affect all of what is posted above. . . check your ballistic tables for the round you will be shooting. Your firearms accuracy is up to you and you alone beyond your shaking body and careful trigger squeeze.



Richard Ziert ARM- CPCU - MANAGEMENT的更多文章

