Is there an answer to the immigration crisis?
"The purpose of this book is to highlight the struggles and the price being paid by those who come to the United States haven made a conscious decision to obey the law - those who make the deliberate, costly, and difficult choice to be legal immigrants instead of staying in the country illegally or undocumented. What makes obeying US immigration laws so important to these individuals? What inspires and motivates them to do what is right? Unfortunately, little or nothing is being said about this class of people as the country debates and grapples with the challenges of illegal immigration and undocumented aliens. Mostly you hear about the plight of those who are here illegally and how to ease their misery. But what about those who are here legally?What about those outside of the country who are trying to come in through the right channels? Everyone accepts that the system is broken, but the solutions to fix it are dividing the country." - from the Preface of this book by Tangumonkem (Eric) Tayem.
Note: As you may know, on Amazon you can read some excerpts from the book.
I was just praying again this morning about how to get my "adopted" girl here to live with us. I say she is my adopted girl because for 10 yrs I supported her as a Compassion International child until she became an adult. Eillen Nitafan grew up in the Philippines and now lives in Japan with my grandson Genken. Actually, his full name is Genichiro Kenneth Matsuo. Eillen gave him the middle name of Kenneth so he is named after me. I am not sure if I spelled his first name correctly because he always goes by GenKen.
Over the years Joyce and I have tried to find a way for Eillen to immigrate to this country legally, but we have always been denied. I have had people suggest I get her to Mexico and then sneak her across. We could not and will not do that. So this morning I prayed that God would give me a step or two to take this week that will lead us to how to get them here. Then I saw that Tangumonkem Tayem posted about his book and his immigration story on Old Hillcrest Church Friends. I used to attend Hillcrest in the 80's. First step, ordered his book. Next step...(to be continued) ??
By Ken Flo