"The Answer is Community "
Join in The Challenge to generate Community Wealth...
Of course different types of Community abound and a couple of other examples bringing in "Community" can be illustrated here..
Edinburgh International Festival ..A community driven by the Arts. 2024 involvement of the community is the aim .
"The Answer is Community " as per the message from Nicola Benedetti
A work community ..
i attended the very well attended and moving funeral of my ex colleague Duncan Haward who I worked with at Charterhouse Tilney and then SG for 11 years. A significant number of my SG "team " were there and again one realised what a good community that was, and there will be an initiative to reconnect.
The main focus in this article is on the Local Communities that we live in.. and the variety of types. Local focus does require Power and Responsibility and resource.
There is a welcoming of the Labour Government's focus on localism --
The Labour Governments Aim..
Securing economic growth will be a fundamental mission. My Government will seek a new partnership with both business and working people and help the country move on from the recent cost of living challenges by prioritising wealth creation for all communities.
This mission is hampered to a significant extent by local government being hollowed out by lack of resources and competition. The routes to success are challenged and the model needs some updating.
Just to add to the discussion and debate Riots In England Wales and Northern Ireland brought community issues into focus.. What caused those and what can be done to prevent them in future? Some of the issues were covered in a BBC Panorama that went out on 19th August (today at the time of writing). The Courts have also handed down some extremely severe sentencing which has lowered some of the potential fears of escalation but that doesnt necessarily provide the solution, https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0022jh9/panorama-the-riots-that-shocked-the-country
Some of other issues to reflect on may be found here .. https://www.resolutionfoundation.org/publications/uneven-ground/
Thought leading initiatives ..
With a potential change in top down approach ,some thought leaders are increasing their strategic initiatives .. whether it be Centre for London led by Antonia Jennings , The Strathclyde Institute for Sustainable Communities (SISC) with Matthew Hannon heading up the new centre, or the likes of the Carbon Co-op where Ellie R. has taken on the strategic role. Having had excellent discussions with all of the above recently there is undoubtedly a good base for thought leadership to be spread.
Local Communities need both Power and Responsibility to successfully generate Wealth Building opportunities and recognising the Value of Representation and Participation is key. Local councillors pay is one example of the disconnect and significant incfreases have been recommended. https://www.gov.scot/publications/recommendations-councillors-remuneration-expenses/documents/
"The wage councillors are currently being paid has led to the majority of councils being run mostly by men over the age of 55." "Women, young people and people with disabilities struggle to get involved with local politics because the pay doesn’t match the responsibilities."
The "Voluntary " Expectations.. Have they gone as far as they can post Covid ? Another major challenge as one moves down from Councillors to the next level is the expectation that Voluntary contributions will continually increase (to an infinite extent). This was pretty much pulled to its limit under Covid, and with the lack of resource at Local Government level, there seems to be an increasing pressure to maintain services by involving volunteers to an even greater extent. Managing that pool of volunteeers, and having an accurate database becomes even more critical especially as that perceived voluntary pool has been "maxed out" in certain cases and simply has no time left.
Social Value measurement tools of the like produced by whatimpact should have an increasing role to play.
Wealth Building and recognising "Not for Profit" as a valuable way forward. Pub, Shop, Transport, Community Centre, Local Transport, Local Energy. All of these and lots more could be funded by wealth building and with the increasing wealth and responsibility should come the recognition that Community Time can be recognised in a "paid for" manner, hence "Not for Profit".
The "Just "Transition to Wealth Building. Just as with the Energy Transition the initial setup for Community Wealth Building may require initial set up, community education, and financial investment in systems to make it work which needs to be thought through, and initial enablers found.
Social Value and Impact .. Measuring success ..In 20 minutes neighbourhoods. A big challenge is measuring what success looks like, not only in the case of the the technology to be used, but also the actual goals themselves. The 20 minute "goal" in my area would never be achieved in the strict sense, and it will be more aspirational. Nevertheless the "wealth building" needs a purpose and a goal, and that should be measurable...
It will be different in each location ..
to Rural
Luckily I live in an Community with an amazing setting on the Scotland England border, which the Borders Ridge forms part of. This forms a different neighbourhood where tourism has a key influence. The neighbourhood is different here ....and its good to understand both sides.
and the Highlands and Islands article makes a good read of some of the rural issues that should be taken into account.
Recognising Local Businesses ..The Eyes on the Prizes .. It's the taking part as well as the winning though
The Scottish Borders Business Excellence Awards are the annual business awards for all Scottish Borders businesses, run by the Scottish Borders Chamber of Commerce . The awards allow?local businesses and organisations of all sizes and sectors to be recognised for the contribution they make to the Scottish Borders economy and community. https://borderschamber.com/sbbea-awards/#:~:text=The%20awards%20allow%20local%20businesses,a%20sparkling%20evening%20of%20celebration.
I am looking forward to attending the evening and supporting the local businesses that help build our local communities.
Philip Kerr
WesterHayes Impact Advisory