Answering the Call to Provide Excellent Customer Service
The Wage and Hour Division’s work is fueled by our shared passion to serve the public. That includes the dedication of our technicians across the country, who answer thousands of calls every year, take complaints, and recover back wages for employees who didn’t receive their last paycheck from an employer.
In the Southeast, our technicians are often the first point of contact for workers with wage and hour concerns. These technicians manage an extraordinarily high volume of calls with professionalism and care. In recognition of Customer Service Day, we asked a few of them what motivates them at work and what they like most about their jobs.
Demetrius J., Montgomery, Alabama, Area Office: I’m motivated by the commitment of my team members and the chance to figure out how to help someone who has called with an emergency. For example, a complainant who’s about to be evicted, and the $500 in owed wages sure would come in handy for them. I do my research on the issues, but I also know that I can go to fellow technicians for help when the answers aren’t clear. It’s nice when I get the chance to return the favor when they have questions. My coworkers know I can be counted on, and it feels great to know that I’ve earned their trust.
My favorite day in this job was the day I took a check to a woman whose husband was owed back wages after a Department of Labor investigation. The man had driven the family’s car to his new job, where he was working 12-hour shifts. The woman, who was six months pregnant, was at home with her two-year-old child. Delivering that check to her and seeing her smile when she realized the lights wouldn’t be turned off was special. It’s a feeling I’ll never forget.
Doris B., Miami, Florida, District Office: What motivates me is the joy of being part of something important and being able to contribute to the mission of the Department of Labor. I enjoy protecting the welfare of the nation’s workforce. My favorite part of this job is helping employees receive the back wages they worked so hard to earn.
Wendell W., Montgomery, Alabama, Area Office: I’m motivated by the knowledge that what I do actually helps people in need. My favorite part of this job is the feeling I get after successfully providing a service that has placed earned wages into workers’ hands.
Angela S., Birmingham, Alabama, District Office: I’m motivated not only to help employees get paid for their work hours, but also to help employers understand how to comply with the law. My favorite part about my job is speaking to workers and trying to understand their situations. I enjoy assisting them to recover the wages that they’re owed.
William S., Raleigh, North Carolina, District Office: I’m motivated by the complainants I speak with. Their voices, their pain, their anger, their sadness always touch my heart and serve as a reminder of why I love the mission of the Wage and Hour Division. Listening to stories of adversity and injustice pushes me to do my job well.
My favorite part of this job is knowing that the work we do makes a real difference; it’s not done in vain. There are tangible results from our work: phone calls of gratitude, tears of joy, and smiles conveying happiness. Those things motivate me to continue providing good customer service.