Answer 'The Call'?, 70 day challenge: Pray & act for Nigeria ?Chinedum Akiti-Diego. 24.09.2019

Answer 'The Call', 70 day challenge: Pray & act for Nigeria ?Chinedum Akiti-Diego. 24.09.2019

Answer 'The Call', 70 day challenge: Pray & act for Nigeria ?Chinedum Akiti-Diego. 24.09.2019

Above everything else, guard your heart; for it is the source of life’s consequences. Pr. 4:23 CJB

It's 99 days to the end of the year and 7days to October 1. I had my first experience with a Christian Coach yesterday (we prayed to start and end the session+ we leaned into Scripture and the Holy Spirit, it was phenomenal) one of the resources she directed me to is Andrew Wommack's, the hardened heart, the crisis:

Please listen and let me know your thoughts. It set me thinking about the condition of my own heart. Bottom-line, anytime our heart is focused on anything other than God's template, our heart gets hardened and a hard heart gets nothing! Back to Nigeria, how many of us really believe in seeing a developed Nigeria in our lifetime? How about people who used to believe but don't believe anymore?

Most Africans point to developed nations today and imagine that those nations did not require any believing to be where they are today. We forget that our children generations after us can enjoy significant benefits far beyond their individual effort simply because of our investment today. What are you doing today to ensure that your children's future is significantly better than yours?

Let's pray: Lord, help us look at our heart with sincerity and remove all hardness. Amen

My book, THE CALL is available here:;


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