Answer 'The Call', 70 day challenge: Pray & act for Nigeria ?Chinedum Akiti-Diego. 11.09.2019
Answer 'The Call', 70 day challenge: Pray & act for Nigeria ?Chinedum Akiti-Diego. 11.09.2019
Let's Pray for men (Husbands, Fathers, Brothers, Sons, Bosses...)
..I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. NKJV. In a marriage relationship, there is authority from Christ to husband, and from husband to wife. The authority of Christ is the authority of God MSG. I would have you know, however, that of every man, Christ is the Head, that of a woman her husband is the Head, and that God is Christ's Head. Weymouth New Testament 1 Cor. 11:3
It's 19 days to October 1! Today, is the anniversary of one of history's goriest event, 9/11. All pilots were men! Go figure! Some of my regular readers took me up on my statement that men have authority. I meant at home as husbands, fathers and elder brothers not over all women every where but as I started to write today, I decided to review the scripture again and as you can see, some versions clarify that distinction and some don't.
As I researched further, I realized we missed the key words that are consistent in every version: *The head of Christ is God. The authority of Christ is the authority of God. God is Christ's Head*. How does God lead Jesus Christ? Is He controlling and overbearing? Does He lord it over him? Does He oppress him? Does He trample on him? Headship is not lordship or hardship! It's leading with purpose, compassion and grace. If you lead, ask will the people I lead chose me if they had the choice? If I were led like this, would I wilt or thrive? The people I lead, do they thank God for my leadership?
Leadership does not mean you are better and the led is less., you have just been graced with a position- please use it well, God will judge misuse/abuse. When tough decisions need to be made, heads bear responsibility for decisions- this cannot be 50/50. Yet, decisions outside of God's model cannot please God! Leadership is a grave duty, that ought to be taken with trembling, not arrogance.
Let's pray:
Lord, help every man understand the gravity of leadership. Help them understand the gravity of the authority you've given them. Help them to be deliberate about cultivating the people you've given them. Show them your leadership model and help them understand, that they would be judged for poor, weak, uninspirational and arrogant leadership. Help them lead like Jesus. Amen!
My book, THE CALL is here:;