Answer 'The Call', 70 day challenge: Pray & act for Nigeria ?Chinedum Akiti-Diego 22.08.2019.
Answer 'The Call', 70 day challenge: Pray & act for Nigeria ?Chinedum Akiti-Diego 22.08.2019.
Prepare to die!
Good evening, trust your day went well. Mine was phenomenal! It's still ongoing so let's just say, I'm having a blast! It's 39 days to October 1. As you persevered this long, I'm sharing the pdf version of my book, The Call completely free of charge to you. All I ask in return? Please read it. And when you do, share. Share what it taught you, ideas you got as you read and possibilities you think we can extend it to, beyond the pages of a book. Take action.
Someone asked me if I'm not afraid of piracy. Piracy ke? This book is God's gift to us Africans, he just chose to use me to deliver it! And as the proud messenger I'm happy to be the one chosen to deliver. There were several more qualified people but God chose me! I'm truly honoured! Also, I would like to get the paper version free of charge into the hands of 10,000 students all over Africa. If you or someone you know can make this a reality, I'd love to hear!
During the Oprah interview towards the end of my book , Kwesi alludes to one thing as being the key to their success: "...Jidem had said to me that if we are going to take this journey to salvage Airegin, there is one thing above all else we must do. We must prepare to die even suddenly or violently. We should count it a privilege to do so, because by insisting on doing right we will step on toes, depriving many of their livelihoods and they will come after us with vengeance.”
I ask you, are you prepared to die for Nigeria's development? I am. Guess what? We've already died a 1000 deaths, with our awful roads, death posts, called hospitals, the 1001 indignities we suffer daily just by virtue of being Africans! No point acting like being prepared to die is a big deal- it's our daily reality!!! Let's make it make it worth more than it currently is!!
You can find my book, THE CALL here: