Udit Agarwal
Software Engineer | Python | GCP Cloud | Devops | Kubernetes | Grafana | AWS cloud | JAVA enthusiast | web developer | Docker | Rhel 8
Task 14.2 Description:-
ANSIBLE PLAYBOOK: Configuring Docker Container with HTTPD Server Image and Hosting a Webpage.
Link of ARTH - Task 10:-
Now Further in ARTH - Task 10 have to create an Ansible playbook that will retrieve newContainer IP and update the inventory. So that further Configuration of Webserver could be done inside that Container.
Let's start...
???? In this task I have used my own pre-created docker image which is enabled with?preconfigured ssh on centos image latest version. So that Ansible can use ssh protocol to login to new docker container and configure webserver inside it.
?? Launching Docker container:-
docker run -it --name <container_name> <docker_image_name>:<version>
-t : assigns a terminal inside the container.
-i : create an interactive connection with container by grabbing STDIN.
?? Installing SSH:-
SSH Server:
SSH Client:
Starting SSH Server:
Before we start SSH Service we need some host keys and we have to generate host keys, The following command will do this: For each of the key types (RSA, DSA, ECDSA and ED25519) for which host keys do not exist, generate the?host keys with the default key file path, an empty passphrase, default bits for the key type and default comment.
While working with SSH we need user and password, but by-default docker container don't have any password, so for that we need to install passwd and set the password for any user (if we created) otherwise for root.
After successful installation we need to set the password for root, for that use the following command.
This command prompt, user input to set the password for root login.
As we know systemctl command doesn't work inside the docker container, so for that we need to find which file will start this services.
For SSH we have to run?/usr/sbin/sshd?with these options: do not detach (-D), log to stderr (-e), passthrough other arguments.
Here we can see that ssh is working fine, use ctrl+p+q to exit the container .
Enter the inside container by using following command.
docker exec -it <container_name> bash
This command will give you the bash shell of docker container.
After that we need to make SSH service permanent , for that we need to go inside the the /root/.bashrc file because the file will run when we restart the container so our service also start again , and whatever inside this file will run at the time of restarting.
After this setup we, can check ssh is working or not. For ssh we need IP of docker container, if run ifconfig command inside the container, then it won't work because it don't have pre-installed it.
We can find it outside the container via docker inspect command.
Here we can see that the IP of docker container is "". And now we know the password for root, as we have already set.
Now check the SSH connectivity.
Here we can wee that, SSH is working great as we landed inside the container.
And Now we can easily commit this docker container image and use it directly to configure by using Ansible.
???? Now the main task come here is, fetch the docker container IP dynamically and update the inventory without going inside it , also run a playbook for docker container, which have webserver configuration.
??Lets check the ansible version installed on my controller node:-
ansible --version
?? Initially inventory file is empty:-
cat /root/ip.txt
???Configuration file of ansible:-
cat /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
?? Ansible playbook i.e. .yml and other files like .txt, .html as used in playbook:-
gedit task14-2.yml
gedit docker-web.yml
gedit dockerip.txt
gedit task14-2.html
???Now let’s run the main playbook i.e. task14-2.yml which can launch docker container and dynamically update IP in inventory file:-
ansible-playbook task14-2.yml
?? Now we can run our?docker-web.yml?playbook to configure webserver inside container and create webpage:-
ansible-playbook docker-web.yml
Now the webserver has been deployed on the docker container with the help of the ansible automation tool. So,, Let’s check our webpage from the browser:
And thus, the objective of task is completed.
Thanks for reading my article!! ??
Keep Learning. Keep Doing.