Another visit to out colleagues in Bosnia and Herzegovina!

Another visit to out colleagues in Bosnia and Herzegovina!

It only feels like yesterday that we made our last visit to see the team in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but a couple of weeks ago I found myself on a plane once again heading to beautiful Sarajevo.

I joined DDC in 2020, in the middle of the pandemic! Since then, our team for this client has doubled in size and has also taken on several different workstreams, settlements being the most recent.

This visit was an opportunity to ensure the new workstream has landed well, and an opportunity for the team to say goodbye and good luck to James Ardron as he moves into another role after 4 years of working with our team.

The pattern of outsourcing that I have found, is that as the relationship progresses, clients find different tasks and projects that they need support with. This time, as mentioned, it was settlements. As always, the team took to the task with confidence and ease, and their amazing can-do attitude. They really make us proud! With a couple of weeks of intense training we have 30+ FTE trained and ready to deliver.

James also brought with him some team members who hadn’t visited Sarajevo before. Like everyone who visits our team in Bosnia and Herzegovina, they were treated to the amazing hospitality of the whole team, from our hard-working agents through to our superhero service delivery team and of course the senior management team. They also got to sample the delights that Sarajevo has of an evening. The city is steeped in culture and history, while the food and drink is out of this world. If you go, you must drink from the Fountain, as it is stated that if you do you will return to Sarajevo again.

As I said before, James has worked with us for over four years, right from the start of our partnership. He has helped us to deliver the great results we have by understanding the culture of our teams. As you can see from the pictures, the team are incredibly fond of him and they, like I, would like to wish James all the best for his future role, and I hope our paths will cross again soon.

James’ move to new pastures means that we have a chance to further grow our relationship with Jack Burge who will now work alongside our UK and Bosnian Team. Congratulations Jack on the new role, I look forward to continuing our successful relationship over the coming months and years.

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