Another School Year Begins
Another School Year Begins
Life has a way of creating unique experiences and commonalities for everyone. As parents, the beginning of a new school year brings about almost uniform emotions and behaviors across households. Funny only in hindsight, it is nerve-racking while experiencing. The last-minute dash for new books and uniforms. The hunt for mysteriously disappeared socks and tiffin boxes. The ever-unsuccessful search for a steel-meshed school shoe. Annoyed and desperate calls to wards to be consistently responsible with stationery. Thanks to pervasive technology, new phraseologies are added to the ever-increasing repertoire: “Did you charge your tablet?” “Pack the charging cables” and “No unwanted browsing during school”. The final and ever-relevant one as the bright yellow school bus rolls in, “Eat all your food and don’t waste. Pls behave properly”.
Kids are tired of this annual parental circus. Nonchalance is a kid’s version of displaying patience.
My daughter is starting her new school year today. I’m seeing her off, as I did all these previous years since she began formal schooling. Before too, during her play school days and birthday drop-offs. I proudly recollect her gradual progression, from the clingy/teary preschool days to the semi-independent young girl of the day. Pushing and negotiating for full independence. Every parent’s cherished story indeed.
She’s now eagerly on her way to meet her new teachers and classmates. As a parent, it’s mixed emotions. On one hand, relief from two months of constant nagging about this-that-and the other. And then, the best preoccupation of every parent: worry about their future. Times are very different and volatile, unlike in the past.?
Kids grow up faster now. This is an annoying fact. Thanks to the fast-changing environment and experiences, they learn and grasp on the double. Parents aren’t anymore the go-to encyclopedias. Rather, it is role reversal. We often learn from them. Be it about technology, fast-changing fashion or even breaking news. My barely two digits old coaches me confidently on MS Paint & video editing. I struggle, frustrating her tiny wits. Our role as parents is fast getting limited to chiding. This is no exaggeration. I’m sure many can relate.
I’m both overly and overtly proud Dad. Both for my two-legged and four. Beyond all the ‘day-to-day’ child-raising challenges, I enjoy fatherhood. Bangles, necklaces, and pet toys are regulars in the shopping cart. I’m playing the part fairly satisfactorily. Much more to do of course. It’s an ongoing self-learning and growing process. Investing time in kids is non-negotiable. Irrespective of the pace of life we choose.
On a closing note, in this renewed commitment and vigor to drive up overall workplace inclusion, let me spotlight on inherent ‘fatherhood biases’. Fathers too need adequate time off to be the best dads and raise the next generation thoughtfully. They shouldn’t be left out. While it’s heartening to witness gradual needle movement in HR policies and affirmative actions, it’s still a trickle. Societal biases still pose a formidable impediment. Wisdom reaffirms it takes both parents to raise a responsible child/citizen. Forget not, they will be the ones who will lord over our pensions and welfare in the future. Societal, environmental, and structural encouragements are critical, to drive change at scale. Both in institutions and societies.
Author Profile: Writes about life. Consults on human potential and workplace HR. A keen observer of emerging trends and technologies that enhance workplace productivity. People Analytics and its effective and ethical usage at the workplace is the current preoccupation. Over 25 years of broad experience developing Leadership/Human Resources in large global organizations and start-ups. Enjoy analyzing and going beyond the hype. Admire the word ‘holism’.