Another RESET
Original Strength Systems, LLC
Our mission is to provide professionals with the knowledge/tools to help their customers live life better and stronger.
It’s the day before Thanksgiving, and I’m traveling to Belgium. It may be no surprise to anyone other than myself, but I’m terrible at managing a calendar. To put it more accurately, I’m clueless about dates, holidays, and special events. I’m traveling to Belgium and France to do something I love more than anything - I will share Pressing RESET with amazing people I’ve yet to meet. In other words, I get to teach and share the wonders of our human design. There is no greater high for me. I absolutely love it.
But back to the calendar. Initially, I had no idea it would be traveling over Thanksgiving. I didn’t know until I was trying to book my plane tickets. Who decided to put Thanksgiving so late this year, anyway? I am Thankful, though. I’m thankful for an understanding wife and family. Did I mention that I once scheduled a workshop during my son’s high school graduation? My wife was not so understanding that time. I don’t blame her, though. But in all honesty, I’m clueless when it comes to calendars. She eventually forgave me, but not without a great deal of apologizing from me. I vowed never to schedule workshops during graduations again. So far, I’ve kept my word.
Anyway, I am so Thankful. I can’t believe I’m getting to fly halfway around the world to share something so brilliantly wonderful and amazing - our design. You are fearfully and wonderfully made if you don’t know it yet. Another way to say that is that you are beautifully created and loved. The proof and evidence of that can be seen in how your body functions. You are walking around in the most amazing expression suit ever imagined. And your default expression is set to joy, ease, love, and peace. This is evident because your body is designed to heal and return to this default expression.?
Think about it: when you move well, you feel good. You move well when you feel good (joy, peace, love). When you skip, you smile. When you smile, you may want to skip or do some other fun, free-moving motion. Healing is simply a return to our default state of joy, ease, love, and peace - we often return there faster through movement, btw. A nice brisk walk on a cool fall day can do wonders for our emotional and mental state.?
In case you’re not tracking with me yet, Ill health is being stuck in a state of anger, dis-ease, sadness, turmoil, and anxiety. All of these factors inhibit how well and freely your body can move. When in this state, we are greatly in need of Pressing RESET on our nervous system or our state of being. Again, moving our way to this state is often the fastest way to heal and return to our intended state of well-being.?
But there are other RESETS we can intentionally press to move ourselves toward healing and health, like giving thanks. Gratitude is a powerful RESET. It softens our hearts, allows our love to flow, sets us in a state of ease, and brings peace to our minds. And, if we practice gratitude enough, it even affects how we move and feel physically. Gratitude can help remove tension from our muscles, help remove stiffness and pain from our backs, and even put a spring in our step. Again, we are in expression suits, and our expressions are determined by the information, the movements, and the habits we practice daily.
If we are not living in our default state of love, joy, peace, and ease, we can Press RESET and help our bodies heal. Intentionally moving in our design and regularly giving thanks or being grateful is a great way to encourage healing—it can lead to revealing the path to living our best lives by being our best selves.?
We all have so much to be thankful for. How can I say that? Because we are here right now. We are alive. We are wonderfully made. We are loved. I’m not sure that all the gratitude in the world can match the gifts we’ve been given.?
Anyway, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. If you are somewhere else in the world or even in the US, I hope we all find a way to make every day a wonderful Thanksgiving.