Another New Linked In Email Scam
In the interest of protect my friends and contacts here on Linked In, I do my best to immediately forward every scam I get hit with which involves this system Just a moment ago I got another one. Here is the exact email lifted from my server:
Hi there,
I am Lieutenant Todd Fritz, a United States Army. Did you get my last email? I have an opportunity that will benefit the both of us and I wish to discuss with you.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Lieutenant Todd Fritz
Resolute Support Mission and U.S. Forces Afghanistan (USFOR-A).
Global War on Terrorism
2nd Battalion 23rd Infantry Regiment
First of all please note that this so-called "Lieutenant" didn't say what he was. He kinda left that piece of the sentence missing. If this were proper Army correspondence- and I have both written and received my fair share of it- it most assuredly wouldn't be written like a marketing piece.
Here is what The Resolute Support Mission does:
Resolute Support Mission or Operation Resolute Support is a NATO-led train, advise and assist mission consisting of over 13,000 troops in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, which began on January 1, 2015. It is a follow-on mission to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) which was completed on December 28, 2014. Its current commander is U.S. Army General John W. Nicholson Jr. who replaced U.S. Army General John F. Campbell on 2 March 2016. - Wikipedia
Under no circumstances would ANY Lieutenant ANYBODY be sending out an email like this hinting at some sort of deal, using his official Army title and referencing this NATO operation. This would get him into a shit load of trouble. Being ex-military, this leapt out at me even besides the bad grammar.
The second you respond to something like this you risk having a scammer capture your information. DELETE IMMEDIATELY. And please pass this on. Just another attempt to pry open your wallet while trying hard to look like part of the war on terror.
Shut this POS down NOW.