It is another Monday...
Welcome to another Monday morning... how did a week fly by so fast?
So what should we be focused on this week? I know this much... if we focus on the political debates, shootings, inflation, all of the news shows, we will miss our goals for this week.
But I think it is getting harder and harder to focus on what we need to do. Do you see these things happening?
I assume you have run into this as well. So the question is what do we as an industry to combat this nonsense? Discussing this subject with others there seems to be a common theme, that is we are causing a lot of our own issues.
I bet you have seen agents and originators posting about how horrible the rates are, that houses are going down in value and now is not a good time to buy. You have seen them egging on the online arguments. We have all dealt with poor communication. You probably have experienced peers who don't follow the rules because they don't know them.
We as an industry deal with the most important financial decision that most of our clients will ever make. It is essential that we communicate with each other and all focus on helping our clients.
I want to thank all the professionals I have worked with over the years, and challenge them to stay that way. As leaders we can guide the industry in the right direction, help the newer peers learn the right way to do things... and we can all guide our clients and ensure they have a good experience.
So lets make today the day we start paying extra attention to the details... have a great week.