Another lesson on marriage,true life experience.
You see why i insist that every mining activity should be halted. Okyenkrom Chief yesterday complained of a deep hole in his town on his land that is 1000 metres deep and it has been abandoned by Anglo gold.This this is a death trap and has been there since 1992 yet this company would not even employ the natives or develop the place,we need a reform in this sector,we get next to nothing from gold yet individuals rather get more,as for associated environmental degradation it cannot be over stated.
So yesterday i was in court, i am still asked why i wont save my marriage and i am adamant, it is not worth saving so now we are to file witness statement.I did not have the chance to take my swipe at legal aid lawyer standing for my wife who is the petitioner in this divorce case but i would have my day,yesterday i was red with rage and if the floodgates were opened that lady would clap for me.That petition is a bunch of falsehood,a person who deserts her marriage in 2016 suddenly shows up and is accusing me of desertion, denial of sex and unreasonable conduct something she rather is guilty of.So if that lawyer is a smart person she would see a gap here,the petitioner says the marital home was in East Legon near American house, yet she states in her petition that she now stays in Bubuashie which is a lie thats the family home ,because she lives in Mamprobi, i have refused to know the house but i visit my son who is with her and park at my sons school so i know the street the house is at, my elder son went there on holidays and i visited both of my boys at the younger ones school which is a stone throw from her house but i have refused on purpose to go to the house .There have been subtle attempts to get me to go to the house but i saw it and avoided the trap. I am still living in the marital home at American house and indeed the bailiff served me there so how come i am the one who has deserted the marriage?.Look i have documentary evidence, video, and living witnesses who can attest to the truth,but she has nothing.I am spending money to file processes and she is getting free legal counsel and representation.I am representing myself in court because i can deal with this myself in court but my lawyers give me legal support/advice.A person goes to Legal Aid and makes a case, you dont invite the other party and proceed on lies submitted .I suspect the lawyer is the one feeding her with these facts which are far from the real truth.I have restrained myself but sometimes people would push you to come out with ugly facts you wanted to keep as a good husband.
If only the Lawyer knew that i traveled and upon my return my wife was not at home and later on she was dropped by a gentleman at 2.30 am, and i have the man's details and even text messages he sent her the following morning .This was way back in 2015 and i still have it and many more messages from my wife when she deserted that she was living because of her stated reasons which would destroy her case.I am just waiting patiently for my day.The lawyer was trying to file a response to my response because she said it was falsehoods but the judge did not allow it and i just wonder how she can prove my response is a lie, you this lawyer was not there and its a further propagation of the lies already fed to you.I have been approached again by some people ,some family members that my wife was trying this because she thought i would panic and ask for settlement.Why would i want to remain in a marriage that my father in law decides when i should have sex with his daughter and actually called me to ban me till he gives me clearance and the daughter was supporting him.I have those call logs and recording on a phone,these people are funny.This is a man who insists every daughter of his must be wedded and he insists strongly because he thinks with a wedding you can play the fool with your son in law and your son in-law cannot do anything because of a wedding, that backward foolish belief.So this is a man who asks me to surrender all monies i earn to him to spend,eeeiii saa?,like seriously!!!! i thought it was justr wishful thinking from a gold digger when this preposition was made and it was until 2014 i realized it was real because the man confirmed it when i asked and that was the problem, i had refused so they were trying to pressure me into submission. This wife of mine did soo much evil , look people hear the details and are like ''so you survived all this,i could not infact it would kill many men'' this is the kind of response i get.I am a very resilient person,unbelievably resilient We shall see whether wedding is a legal license to retrogressive and backward conduct.Marriage is not the paper cert but the staying together of the couple , planning ,having sex , raining kids and acquiring property and many more.Good thing she did not ask for any property in her petition and she wont get it anyway if she even asks,that divorce will surely be granted.
I saw she was in tears yesterday and i have a hint that they did not expect this turn of events and they may ask for withdrawal but i will push for her divorce process to be completed.This is why i advise people know your in-laws , what are their values and how they lived as married couple.I was tolerating this woman, infact the marriage should have ended a week after our wedding but i held on hoping she would grow wiser but you dont teach an old dog new tricks,at age 28 i dont know what else she can learn but i still hoped and its been 14 years + 6 years of desertion ,she is still counting the desertion as marriage but i dont so you see the mindset,they think all that matters is a document that you are married and not what happens after the wedding.A family with such mindset wont ever give you peace and they wont have conscience because the responsibility of a married woman and the barriers a married woman should erect around her won't be part of the consideration fort such characters.If she is the flirtatious type she is married but would still entertain other men and even sleep with them.Such mindset , she can sleep in town with another man and see nothing wrong with it.I have never enjoyed a happy marriage,though married for 14 years and this is because i am tolerant, very tolerant but for us tolerant and kind people when we decide its final.For my father in law to ban me from sex is unheard of and i thank God that night i called witnesses so i have them all alive except my father who who passed in 2018.I have something coming to them and my evidence could be nasty,a certain video , i am just contemplating if i should let it out,she does not know i have that.
Why would a wife behave so wickedly,its because she has no brain of her own, her parents dictate her actions because she thinks she is the eldest of 5 daughters so she must fix home and you the husband must provide the money for that.The sister who comes after her lives next to the family house with her husband also tormented the husband till he passed on.He complied gave his business earnings to the father in law and after a while he had nothing left in his shop at Abossey Okine,i saw it myself, i told him to be wary of our father in law and not kowtow to his whims and caprices but he refused to listen to me and allowed that evil man to control him, something i refused to do and that guy is dead, yes dead !!!!, he died in 2014, and father in law is in court fighting over his shop because that shop is family property given him by the mother.His wife, my wife's younger sister also died last year of cancer and that cancer is questionable,for me i saw it as a spiritual attack on the family.Well thats their cup of tea , my wife herself is not safe but my prayers can no longer save her and i have had enough of the spiritual attacks from them.The day before our marriage engagement,i missed a near fatal accident on Tema motorway,in the fourth month of her pregnancy she gets diabetes that disappears when she was in labour. She gave birth and i was crushed by a truck on Kanda highway,everyone said i was dead but i escaped from the wreckage of that BMW without a scratch.Enough is enough, Prophets have told me a lot and i have seen many spiritual directions, enough is enough.
I have advised you guys in marriage and seeking to marry.Never tolerate a woman who uses sex as a weapon, a woman who is always talking of ''my father, my mother , my aunty , my uncle '',they have no mind of their own.Be wary of those who grew up in family compound house where there is ugly competition.