Another husband and wife dispute/pass on tariff expense/Comments On the lighter side February 18, 2025



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Another husband and wife dispute/pass on tariff expense/Comments On the lighter side

February 18, 2025


Another husband and wife dispute



I have a customer with an Emergency Protection Order (I received a copy of the EPO) against her husband and she will be back in court soon to try for a long term protection order. I've walked the wife through changing her burglar alarm code, but she wants to remove the husband from using the alarm app. This is not something the wife can do herself as the husband is the master user of the app.

The husband signed the contract, but both are named on the contract.

What are my options here? Do I need a court order to remove his app-access?





Have the wife sign a new contract. Notify the husband that his contract is terminate, cancel his app and have wife get the app.

You are not Judge Judy, and “follow the money”. [The phrase “follow the money” is often attributed to the 1976 movie All the President's Men. In the movie, the character Deep Throat tells reporter Bob Woodward to “follow the money” to uncover the truth about the Watergate scandal.]


Pass on tariff expense



I am wondering if we have the ability to increase prices due to Tariffs on jobs in contract?


Captain John




Here’s a hold over provision added to the Standard Form Agreements during the covid mess:

“The pricing to be paid by Subscriber in this agreement is based on current pricing by ALARM COMPANY's suppliers and vendors. In view of supply shortage and inflation, Subscriber agrees to pay any increase for equipment or services to ALARM COMPANY by ALARM COMPANY's suppliers and vendors in connection with equipment and services to be provided by ALARM COMPANY to Subscriber. ALARM COMPANY will notify Subscriber of any such increase and Subscriber shall have the option of paying the increase or selecting alternative equipment and services, if available, for the prices set forth in this agreement.”

Do we need to add tariffs too or it’s covered by supply shortage and inflation? Looks like tariffs may be applied to China goods, where a good deal of the security equipment comes from, so price increases may be ahead [probably here already]. But increased pricing isn’t really new. You do need to consider pricing when figuring your contract prices. Labor and material is likely continuing to increase and it’s easy to lose track of it while you’re constantly wondering where all the money goes.


Comments On the lighter side from article on February 6, 2025


I am happy to report that many of you have the same adolescent sense of humor I have:



A new low in low or ADT finally found their niche.



Love it Ken, Thanks for the laugh




Finally a post us dummies can understand as opposed to three pages of some dense court ruling…




Lol….ohhh why did I trust you lol…jk.




OMG. I am dying here! Thank you very much for this laugh.

Have a great day.




Nice product; I can definitely see the value of the protection it offers. Questions arise, will I be covered for slip and fall when the 120 db siren emulates? How about a day zone that only alerts cleaning people when the device is activated.

Joe S


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