Another Housing Land Supply Success for Intelligent Land

Another Housing Land Supply Success for Intelligent Land

Intelligent Land has been successful in demonstrating that Chichester District Council does not have a 5 year supply of housing land. In an appeal at Southbourne on behalf of Beechcroft Land Ltd who were promoting a site outside the settlement boundary, Chichester Council were claiming that they had a 5 year supply in accordance with the NPPF.

Brought in by the Appellant to assess the Council’s supply evidence, Intelligent Land found 4 sites which the Council were being over-optimistic in their supply forecasting. The appeal inspector accepted that there should be a discount applied to all 4 sites and so found that a five-year supply could not be demonstrated by the Council.

The Inspector found that the proposal conflicted with two local plan policies and the aims of the made Neighbourhood Plan in regard of the location of housing development. Our evidence was therefore critical in the appeal outcome as it meant that paragraphs 49 and 14 of the NPPF were engaged. Applying the presumption in favour of sustainable development and identifying that there would be no overall harm to the development strategy the appeal was allowed.

Once again it cannot be overstated how important it is for the local planning authority to provide robust evidence to underpin their 5 year housing land supply trajectory. As land and planning specialists Intelligent Land recognise the complex nature of delivering development and the realistic time it takes for sites to deliver, which after all is the test set out in Footnote 11 to paragraph 47 of the NPPF.

APP/L3815/W/17/3173380: Land at Breach Avenue

Intelligent Land

Luke Simmons

Managing Director

7 年

Govt states we need more homes People need more homes Developers can build more homes Councils defend the NIMBY

Glyn Mabey

Chief Executive Edenstone Group

7 年


