Another great KubeCon
I'm no #cloudnative tech pro, I leave that to my brother Nigel Poulton , but I just want to say great job and well done to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) for putting on another brilliant #kubecon. Amsterdam was a great host city and the RAI Convention Centre had a great vibe all week.
I know Nigel loves to go to events like these to mix with the community and meet up with old friends and make new ones.
Thank you to everyone who came along for the fun triva, that was a good laugh and congrats to those who won prizes. Nigel's Kahoot's #kubernetes quiz is a cool way to hang out in a safe space with different rounds that test your knowledge and who knows... you might of just learned something new too.
A huge thank you to those who lined up for Nigel's book signing. The line was mahoosive, so I know you had to be patient (especially those who made sure they were there 30-60 minutes early) to get a signed copy of The Kubernetes Book.
The Starfleet edition was the most popular followed by the Borg edition and then the Klingon.
See you in Chicago!