Another Good Review of Fish Farm
I just received another good review of "Fish Farm"
Hi Walt,
Don of our team enjoyed your book very much. This is his review:
"Five Stars.
"I liked “Fish Farm” by W. Sautter, a very talented author. The book
is short, very entertaining and I read it in an evening - a very high
quality read!
The book is about intelligent revenge, and after quoting an ancient
Chinese warlord who wrote 2,500 years ago, “Ponder and deliberate
before your make a move,” the author starts the well-planned revenge
into action.
With ever increasing tension, the author designed the plot well,
especially his uses of “Chekhov's gun,” the well-known dramatic
principles where every element in a story must be necessary. It made
the ending a complete surprise.
After I finished it, I wanted to read more of the story, then
reflected on how the author perhaps made this story intentionally
short to have all elements stand out and create ever-expanding tension.
A great read if you’re looking for a very entertaining read.
Some final thoughts I had were, I wondered how the author got the idea
of utilizing a fish farm in the unique way he used this fish farm.
And, I also think retirees and war veterans would highly enjoy this