Another Golden Session on Use Cases of Kubernetes

Another Golden Session on Use Cases of Kubernetes

On 8th March 2021, LinuxWorld India once again organized another gripping webinar session on Kubernetes. The speakers for this sessions were,

Mr. Neeraj Bhatt Senior Technical Engineer- OpenShift, Redhat

Mr. Vijit Kuntal - Consultant, Infosys Belgium and

Mr. Rushil Sharma - Customer Engineer Hybrid Cloud, Google

We were escorted by Preeti Ma'am throughout the session.

The webinar was focused on

How Industry Uses Kubernetes as a core aspect of their product,

How Major Computational issues are solved due to the Introduction of Kubernetes, and

How Productivity is scaled in the industry by Integration of Automations and Analysis tools with Kubernetes.

The session started with a great introduction of CVS and git and the difference between them. The speakers explained how DCVS changed the working of the Industry. The speakers also talked about Jenkins Git Integrations.

What are security control constraints and why are those important. The use case of client requirement in which we used SCC Security control Constraints. The topic of Caos Testing was picked up by the speakers. Chaotic Testing is simply creating the capability to continuously, but randomly, cause failures in your production system.

Lastly, we have some optimizations of resources point in the discussion. The architecture of System Design of Banking.Optimization of hardware resources like limiting CPU & Mem, optimization of CPU & Mem request, about GTM, and different production environment many more things.

The session exposed us to lots of aspects of the Industrial World and how to achieve them. I would like to thank Linux World and Mrs. Preeti Daga for organizing such a cultivated expert session.

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