Another extraordinary order
Movomech AB
World-class lifting solutions | Ergonomic and safe lifting equipment for your business
At the beginning of 2024, we received an extraordinary order from our partner in Portugal P&F ELECTRóNICA Lda. which we have now delivered.
We have chosen to interview the co-owner Luís Lemos from P&F ELECTRóNICA Lda.
The following products are included in the order from Movomech AB,
Tell us briefly what your company does and what your role is at P&F ELECTRóNICA Lda.
We represent in Portugal several companies that are market leaders in diferent areas. We sell, install, maintain and provide after-sales support for all the equipment we represent.
Movemech: Lifting solutions
Coperion K-Tron: Feeders, pneumatic conveying systems and process equipment
Scaime: Weighing solutions
Vacuum CNC: Vacuum clamping systems for cnc machines
AIRBEST: Vacuum components
We also have an engineering team that develops complete solutions for industrial automation, comprising electrical schematics, control cabinets, PLC programing, HMI, SCADA and supervisory sytems, software development, and integration with ERP and MES systems.
How long have you collaborated with Movomech and how do you experience the collaboration with us?
We’ve been working with Movomech since the begining of 2021.
Our collaboration has been very good, we have the full support of the Movomech team, always ready to clarify our doubts and help us finding the best solutions for our customers.
Regarding this order, who is the customer, what do they manufacture and what will they use Movomech′s products for in their daily work?
Customer is H.B. Fuller.
On this site they are producing white glues.
Movomech products are used to help mooving some ingredients that are manually added into the mixers. These ingredients are in sacks and cans.
At the end of the production line, they are used to remove the filled cans from the conveyor and place them on pallets.
What other industries and business areas are you trying to reach out and work with?
We work with all sectors. We have clients in areas as diverse as food, chemical, wood, plastics, pharmaceuticals.
This order will of course also bring success to your company, what are your future plans for P&F ELECTRóNICA Lda.?
We intend to strengthen our partnership with Movomech. I believe we can grow this business area bringing new customers.