Another example of madness in these crazy times.
When every little helps doesn't apply!
This is a rant and a justifiable one I feel.My blood is boiling. For all those small businesses out there trying so very hard to keep going by working hard, not asking for charity and innovating every day to keep food on the table for their families.
I visited today my local coffee shop. A brilliant little place, always friendly, great coffee and amazing attitude. The owner told me that her landlord, one of the biggest supermarkets who own the land she rents said out and out no to a rent holiday for 3 months. She's trying to open up for takeaways and offer a service every day now for the community, often not taking enough to cover costs.
She employs 5 staff, doesn't take holiday, works 6 days a week for far less than minimum wage but is trying to build a business. Since the crisis she has tried new things for the community, free deliveries to the less fortunate etc. The big corporates are not your heroes in tough times, people like this are.
The landlord who by the way is recording record profits, and still eligible for government rate relief refuses point blank to help her. The rent is almost £2k a month for a 30 cover cafe.
News like this doesn't get out as they paint a picture of caring for the community and as our saviours in times of most need.
Shame on them. Record profits, huge dividends, Government help. All in this together? hardly.