Another EV Post...sorry
I keep seeing anti or pro EV posts and I’m afraid wanted to also wade in.
For me this seemingly endless debate gets far too personal for some and agree that some light fact correction is needed but believe this goes both ways.
I won’t wade in on the environmental aspect, this is above my pay grade. I understand the arguments for and against and also consider a lot of the issues surrounding EVs non environmental credentials, not the EVs fault but rather the fault of the general infrastructure and manner in which materials and electricity is still generated. So that little wasp nest aside:
I don’t particularly lean in either direction but think an honest and unbiased account from anyone is useful. I'm a big car fanatic, have had the privilege of some very nice shiny metal on my drive way at points in my life and also some terrible rust boxes too. So my decision to get an EV was a big one tbh, to depart from the world of ICE. I’ve read lots of emotiver posts on the topic and also some fantastically balanced ones, so hopefully, here is my balanced one ??
I leased quite a high-end EV just over 2.5 years ago mainly because of the wonderful BIK incentives and of course because of that undeniable smooth acceleration you get. Something previously only experienced in some of the more exotic things I’ve got to drive in my life.
I dutifully had a charger installed at my home and signed up for a EV favourable tariff with my energy supplier. All was good. I drive approx. 30 miles to work and back each day and my daily commute dropped in price massively and as everyone mentioned no more stinky petrol stations. Wonderful.
If this is what you need a vehicle for, an EV is perfect.
I however operate a second company on my weekends and days away from Primary focus, which requires be to travel across the country regularly and sadly here is where the EV still falls down for me. Though it has got much better over the time I’ve owned one, the infrastructure is still woefully inadequate, unreliable and the wild west when it comes to pricing (perhaps something a Tesla would fix but I’m not that way inclined).
I found my trips were regularly taking me hours longer. I often found myself in the middle of no where chasing the dream of a charging station that wasn’t 80ppkw and when I did find it, it was either occupied, out of order or charging at a randomly low speed. It all became too much. I just wanted to go to my site visits, have my meetings and go home and didn’t feel paying often multiples of what a ICE would have cost me for the privilege of my day being massively extended or being forced to sit in random carparks or drinking my 3rd MacDonalds coffee of the day. It just didn’t add up and I was fed up.
The range on my particular vehicle wasn’t the greatest, I like the car, so won’t condemn the manufacturer on here (well know German brand) but I quickly realised that the range was wishful thinking. More over, over the years the range has dropped massive, the once optimistic 290miles range once full charge now sits firmly at 185 miles (in warm weather)…at this point it’s not practical to do anything other than commute or go to the shops in.
Depressing when one considers is once eye watering price tag.
In short I bought an additional diesel and used this as my ‘long trip’ vehicle and haven’t looked back. I realise I am privileged to be able to do so but if I wasn’t…I may have gone mad.
My lease is up in the early part of next year and I have been doing some real sums and some soul searching and that’s why I find various posts around so interesting. It seems that so many have such polarising experiences. I guess every vehicle is different and everyone has different needs and wants.
I have nothing against EVs, I enjoy driving mine immensely. I’ve actually driven and hired many different ones in several countries and really like them. From high-end Teslas and BMWs and Mercs to a humble Renault Zoe in Portugal (awesome) But here are some take aways from my personal experience:
?My parting thoughts, as with all things in life, what are you going to use it for. If its local commuting and the odd longer, non time sensitive drive. An EV may well be perfect for you.
If you do longer distances and time is a factor in your life. Probably not.
Hybrids look interesting…..