Another Earth Day
It’s been more than 50 years since the first Earth Day and how have we done?
Reefs are dead that Jacques Cousteau warned us about with ocean acidification. We are closer than ever to reaching a climate disaster and a climatologist I know at UCSD said if we stop burning fossil fuels today it will still take 35 years just to stop the momentum. There is more plastic in the ocean than ever killing both birds and fish.
Yes things are in bad shape and we joyfully celebrate another Earth Day. In the more than 50 years since the first Earth Day things have only gotten worse - much worse!!!
We need to get serious and that doesn’t just mean supporting your favorite non-profit, it means you and me doing everything we can right now and everyday - not just Earth Day.
We can start with eliminating plastic from our lives, especially single use water bottles. We each need to do everything we can and we must not be lulled into the idea that someone else will do it. Take whatever action you can to take a step in a positive direction.
We all collectively screwed things up so it can only be fixed by us collectively on a daily basis doing the next right thing. This is not something we can leave to technology or our kids to figure out. If we wait there will be nothing left to fix. We need action every day by everyone.
I am an optimist and I believe we can do it. So go enjoy your Earth Day celebrations and then let’s get to work!