Another Day, More Embarrassment for the Oakland Athletics organization
2024 has not been a great year for the #OaklandAthletics.
For one it is likely the last season in #Oakland for the franchise. As team president Dave Kaval, VP of communications #CatherineAker, and owner #JohnFisher came to an agreement for where the A's will play beyond the 2024 season, which is #Sacramento.
Fisher and company got help from the Sacramento Kings owner #VivekRanadive to make it happen. Though #MLBPA has some concerns about the facility and more recently the weather as well.
During the time that the agreement took place there was zero communication with long time stadium workers of the organization. One employee learned about what had happened by watching watching a local news story on it where significant layoffs were announced.
Even though Kaval had stated transparency throughout the process.
Currently, radio announcer #VinceControneo who had been calling games for the A's for the last 19 years announced that he will not return for the 2025 season. At first the announcement seemed like he made the decision, yet today it was reported that his contract was not renewed.
Another sad day for A's fans and great example of how poorly run the organization is. All the more reason that Fisher needs to sell.