Time Out for New Public Art in Boston
The resited figurative sculpture Grouping of Works from Fountain by artist Nicole Eisenman is now installed at Time Out Market Boston.
It sets the right chill vibe for this green renewal. Closer inspection reveals more fun, wonder and delight.
It is probably the quirkiest bronze figurative sculpture/public art/fountain I’ve ever seen. Its unfinished or more raggedy textured areas suggest an allegiance with Picasso’s more “primitive” and experimental small sculptures.
Its three figures play, stretch, and lounge beside a shallow pool of water. Water is emitted out of each of the vaguely sexless figures in strange and wonderful ways.
The one standing figure—who resembles the Jolly Green Giant of all things, arching backwards in a yoga-like stretch—features a misted spray spit out of a snail perched on the back of its left shoulder.
A more womanly figure sprawls out by the pool, while gentle streams spout randomly from her/its rather raw and ravaged shins. The third, recumbent figure sports on its stomach an oversized aluminum beverage can, from which water overflows its top.
Parts of each of the figures seem to have been intentionally disguised with rougher, thrashed textures to hide private parts for public display. This is all fine and dandy and makes sense for the greater good.
But strangely all of these pool-time guests share a roughly hewn, uber-Giacomettian treatment of their shins and calves.
I mentioned this curiosity to a young father whose toddler was enjoying the shin-splinted spouts of water nearby. His guess was that it may be a vein condition.
More info:
Landmark Center Redevelopment - 201 Brookline Avenue
New Name, New Concept At Site Formerly Known As Landmark Center
New Urbanism Thrives In Historic Sears Warehouse Buildings
BISq, Mamaleh’s, and George Howell join Time Out Market lineup - The Boston Globe
Landmark Center redevelopment ditches apartments - Curbed Boston
Nicole Eisenman Fountain Will Grace Boston
#publicart #nicoleeisenman #sculpture #timeoutmarketboston