Another Commercial Litigation Success for Ralli LLP - Manolete Partners Plc v Dalal & Ors
Ralli Solicitors LLP
A team of #Legal500 #lawyers supporting #businesses & individuals with a personalised service & successful track record.
By Christian Eagle & Polly Hill
Ralli Solicitors LLP are thrilled to announce another excellent outcome for our firm in the recent case of Manolete Partners Plc v Dalal & Ors. We successfully applied to set aside a judgment of just under £10million which had been entered against two of our clients - Sajid Dalal and Anisha Dalal, by Manolete Partners Plc, and successfully defended the vast majority of the issues at trial. Our clients are delighted with the service we have provided throughout every stage of the case.
At trial the value of the Claim had increased to just under £12million due to the continuing interest that had been pleaded in respect of the Claim.
The Court ordered that Manolete Partners Plc, who were the assignee of the claim having purchased it from a liquidator, are to have a percentage beneficial interest in our clients’ property equivalent to value of one of the claims of £250,000 and that our clients pay the sum of £16,107.28 to of Manolete Partners Plc including interest. Therefore, our clients succeeded on the lion’s share of the pleaded Claim of just under £12million.
The costs which the Court ordered were equally excellent as Manolete Partners Plc are to pay our clients 85% of their costs of the proceedings, pay our clients an interim payment for their costs of £185,000.00 and pay our clients the costs that they incurred on their application to set aside a judgment.
The defence of this claim was headed by Christian Eagle the Head of our Commercial Dispute Resolution team and Christian worked alongside associate solicitor Polly Hill. They were both assisted by our newly promoted associates, Sam Pepper and Ewen Sharpe.
Ralli Solicitors LLP acted for the second and third defendants in this claim and instructed Ghazan Mahmood of St John’s Buildings.
If your business needs the support of an excellent legal team that will fight your corner with compassion and commitment, contact Ralli on 0161 832 6131 in Manchester, or 0207 535 0750 in London. You can also find out more about our team, full range of services and indicative costs on our website at
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