Another clever danish landmark
Circular Quay precinct is looking very battered at the moment with building sites everywhere and the light rail tearing up streets. One of the biggest sites shut down is the old AMP Capital tower at 50 Bridge St. But out of the concrete dust and black hoardings we’re told an impressive landmark building will emerge marking a regeneration of the Quay area.
Designed by clever danish architects 3XN, the new 50 storey tower will be known as the “Quay Quarter”. Described as five “shifting glass volumes” stacked vertically, separated by atrium decks to take full advantage of the spectacular views of Sydney Harbour and surrounds.
The refurbishment will see the retail space at the base of the tower reinstated with a completely new configuration while the new office tower will be oriented in 5 different angles. These jaunty angles will make it very different to the old blockish tower.
When Quay Quarter is completed in 2021 this distinctive futuristic glass edifice will have a sister project in Stockholm, the Bremen Tower, which looks striking similarity, also a 3XN design.