Experiment #2: Another ChatGPT and Design Thinking experiment
Daniel Logan-Gill
I design conversations to tackle problems | Big Hairy Problems | Small Bite Sized Problems | Client Co-Creation & Design Thinking | Coaching & Accelerating Teams
As part of the review and testing of a mobile app that I’m currently doing, I ran another experiment to leverage ChatGPT within a Design Thinking framework.
This time, I’ve taken the Think-Aloud Testing, Rose Thorn Bud and Affinity Clustering methods from the LUMA Institute and attempted to use ChatGPT to produce some of the necessary inputs/outputs as content flows from one method to the next.
Scenario: Testing a new mobile app which is designed to support aspiring authors in publishing and monetising their manuscripts. Note: I've intentionally not disclosed the details/name of the mobile app, pending a public launch.
Task to test (starting with something very simple):?Login via the mobile app and open the manuscript for any available book.
Approach:?I played the role of ‘tester’ and did it 3 times.?Each time taking a slightly different approach to navigation and interaction with the app – all the while keeping the task in mind.
1.?????I used the online voice recorder by 123apps to capture the initial output from each of my 3 Think-Aloud Tests.
2.?????Then downloaded the audio recordings and uploaded them to GoTranscribe to get the transcribed version (free tool).
3.?????Transcribed text was then loaded into ChatGPT with the instructions of “Please identify the feedback points in the text and categorise each point into one of three categories; ‘positive’ sentiment, ‘negative’ sentiment and ‘opportunities’ for improvement.”
Some Personal Reflections: